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AITOR arbaiza valero
IRACHE EUFEMIA aristegui fradua
KEMEN atxurra badiola
MAITE aurrekoetxea casaus
NEREA azkona ramos
PEDRO azpitarte iribar
JAIME balaguer lacasta
USUE beloki marañon
ANGELA bermudez velez
IÑAKI bilbao beramendi
MIREN caro barneto
JONATAN caro rey
ITZIAR casanueva sanz
ANA casas gutierrez
PATRICIA celis martin
MARIA JOSE celorio yolito
JAIME cuenca amigo
JOANA del hoyo bilbao
MAITANE etxeberria sasiain
JOSE IGNAZIO etxezarreta odriozola
JANIRE fonseca peso
Aitana fernández villardón
Luana ferreira lopes silva
IRENE gantxegi madina
ANGELA garcia perez
JONE goirigolzarri garaizar
LEIRE gonzalez rodriguez
ANA goytia prat
Verónica gallo pérez
XABIER ibarra beotegui
NERE JONE intxaustegi jauregi
XABIER landabidea urresti
IDURRE lazcano quintana
JOSE ANGEL lecanda esteban
JUAN LUIS DE leon azcarate
JUAN MANUEL lopez garde
VANESA lorenzo baz
MERTXE luzuriaga gabiña
Estibaliz linares bahillo
JOSE ANTONIO madariaga ibarra
MARIA DEL MAR magallon soneira
CONCEPCION maiztegui oñate
MARIA JESUS monteagudo sanchez
ALVARO moro inchaurtieta
ALVARO mosquera lajas
AMAIA mosteiro pascual
Ayala maqueda aldasoro
MIGUEL ANGEL navarro lashayas
Javier perez hoyos
ANE perez ortega
ANDONI piñero pradera
ELIXABETE piñol olaeta
Angélica padilla méndez
José Eusebio pérez mayo
IDOIA quintana dominguez
ARANTXA rodriguez berrio
LIDIA rodriguez fernandez
RAQUEL royo prieto
MARTA ruiz narezo
EDUARDO JAVIER ruiz vieytez
ROSA MARIA santibañez gruber
MARIA silvestre cabrera
María José schultz montalbetti
Samir A. sánchez escalante
ANA SOFIA tellechea bustinza
Laura trimiño pérez
LUZIO uriarte gonzalez
GORKA urrutia asua
MANUEL MARIA urrutia leon
MIGUEL RAMON viguri axpe
MARIA villaescusa peral
LOURDES villardon gallego
María Nely vásquez pérez
MARINA abad galzacorta
JOSE ANGEL achon insausti
Rosa agundez del castillo
MIREN AURKENE alzua sorzabal
ARITZ arano irizar
OLATZ arce larrory
FELIX arrieta frutos
KEMEN atxurra badiola
ELENA aycart carbajo
NEREA azkona ramos
Conchi alicostes murua
Fernando altamira basterretxea
XABIER barandiaran irastorza
JOANA del hoyo bilbao
PATRICIA espinosa blanco
BAKARNE etxeberria erauskin
ROGELIO fernandez ortea
ANE ferran zubillaga
JANIRE fonseca peso
NEREA gago rezola
JUAN garcia barriga
AINHOA garcia mostajo
EDURNE gonzalez goya
LEIRE gonzalez rodriguez
BASAGAITZ guereño omil
Mª CINTA guinot viciano
ALEJANDRA hermoso humbert
ASUNCION ibañez romero
AINHOA izaguirre choperena
OIHANE korres alonso
BELEN larrion kortabarria
IDURRE lazcano quintana
RAQUEL litago napal
GURUTZE lopetegi salegi
MARIA lopez belloso
ANA MARIA martin mateos
ALVARO mosquera lajas
ALAZNE mujika alberdi
Tonka maric
José Antonio marin paredes
ITZIAR navarro picabea
JON ona saenz
Carmen olano iriarte
JUAN IGNACIO pagola carte
MILA perez gonzalez
SORAYA piñeiro gonzalez
IÑIGO puertas paz
ZIORTZA rodriguez aizcorreta
Danel roa mora
JON sagastagoitia orbea
MABEL segu odriozola
Samir A. sánchez escalante
Laura trimiño pérez
MARTIN zuñiga ruiz de loizaga
A university resource for students which will help you achieve the best possible academic results and boost your development as a person and future professional.
If you have a disability, chronic illness, mental and/or psychological problems or temporary disability, we will support you with curricular adaptations and complementary tools (crutches, lecterns, hearing aids, etc.)
The aim is to answer queries or problems regarding the understanding of the various course subjects and provide guidance and monitoring of the activities and assignments to be carried out.
The tutoring plan is designed to assist students in adapting to the University.The tutoring plan is designed to assist students in adapting to the University. Your tutor will be the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal issues affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.). It is designed to help you adapt to the University environment. Your tutor will be the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal issues affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.).