Blessed Gárate"I do the best I can, the rest is done by the Lord who can do all things"


Towards beatification

Why does Blessed Francisco Gárate continue to have a large number of supporters and devotees in the most remote places despite the fact that 32 years have passed since his beatification on 5 October 1985?

Several explanations can be put forward. It is thought that in these complex times, Francisco Gárate's simplicity, kindness, smile, honesty, attitude of service and selflessness lead us to think of the possibility of a more humane society where certain values, perhaps forgotten or undervalued, can flourish once again.

Francisco Gárate with his open arms, his tolerance, his affection for the most needy gives us new reasons to give our society a greater spirit of coexistence, of dialogue. Francisco Gárate, without ever having undertaken great works, without ever having stood out for his interventions in public opinion, demonstrates that true Christian holiness, lived in a normal existence, can be within the reach of any man or woman who believes in the values of the Gospel.

We are not content with the fact that Francisco Gárate has been proclaimed Blessed. We wish that his example and veneration be extended to the universal church, at the highest level, proclaiming him a saint. To this end, we intend to continue to ask for his intercession in our daily lives, in all kinds of needs, and we hope that one day we will be able to count on some extraordinary event that will be the definitive sign to proclaim him a saint. In any case, through his intercession in particularly difficult situations or in the small events of our daily lives, we believe that Blessed Francisco Gárate can stimulate us to live our Christian faith ever better.

Contact us

UNIVERSIty of deustO


Avenida de las Universidades 24
48014 - BILBAO

P.O. Box 1 - 48080 BILBAO

944 139 221


About Blessed Gárate

Francis Gárate, the second of seven children, was born into a modest family of peasants on 3 February 1857 in a farmhouse on the outskirts of Azpeitia, very close to the tower house of Layóla. At the age of 14 he moved to the school of Nuestra Señora de la Antigua in Orduña to work there as a servant.

In 1874 he entered the novitiate of the Spanish Jesuits, then expelled from Spain, in Poyanne, southern France. On 2 February 1876 he took his first religious vows and in 1877 he was assigned as an infirmarian to the school of the Apostle St. James in La Guardia (Pontevedra). He remained there for ten years, looking after the health of the children and the sacristy. His dedication and affection for the sick soon won him the admiration of all.

Having pronounced his last vows on 15 August 1887, Brother Gárate was assigned to Deusto (Bilbao) in 1888 to be the porter of the College of Higher Studies or University. He remained in this post until his death on 9 September 1929.

Father General Wlodimir Ledóchowski, outlining what characterised this Brother, emphasised what impressed all those who dealt with him: "Admirable discretion put to the test by more than 41 years of service in a porter's lodge frequented by people of all ages and conditions; humility graced with charming simplicity; charity which, as if endowed with a spiritual instinct, foresees and anticipates timely service..."

This is how Brother Garate lived his "dreadful everyday life ": he welcomed the needy poor and the rich with equal gentleness and helpfulness; he treated them with equal warmth; he went up and down the stairs of the large University building with unfailing dedication and uncomplaining devotion to carry errands to the Fathers and Professors and to call students.

One of those who knew him tells us how he saw, appreciated and loved him: " The Brother had the right word, the right gesture, the right smile, the right charitable solution for everyone; he was always open, welcoming, benevolent and kind to everyone. But he always did so with ease and simplicity; no artificial or sappy manners, let alone naïve and good-natured credulity. The young people knew it perfectly well when they said about the Deusto caretaker: "Brother Finuras is a saint, but he is also... vivacious".

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birthplace of Blessed Gárate

Caserío Recarte

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birthplace of Blessed Gárate

Caserío Recarte

In the vicinity of St. Ignatius' ancestral home, and on land that belonged to the Lords of Loyola, there are several scattered farmhouses.

Located to the right of the Holy House Loyola and a few metres away is the farmhouse called Recarte, where the child Francis Gárate was born on the day of St Blas, 3rd February 1857.



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