Deusto CampusFaith


The University of Deusto, an institution of the Society of Jesus, assumes the mission of serving society through a specifically university-based contribution and from a Christian vision of reality.

We believe that faith is an important dimension in the development of the person. For this reason, we promote activities to live, share and grow in the experience of faith. From the Jesuit tradition and Ignatian spirituality, framed in the Catholic Christian faith, several possibilities are offered.

In this sense, the Faith and Spirituality area offers you accompaniment, training and experiences that will help you to get to know the Christian faith better, to deepen the spiritual dimension of your life and from there to discover how to contribute to a more just and sustainable world.



24, Universidades Ave. 48007 - Bilbao

944 139 374


Central Building. 50, Mundaiz St. 20012 - San Sebastian

943 326 600 Ext.: 5293

Joaquín Mussacchio - Want to talk? I'm listening

Our students

The spiritual accompaniment allowed me to enter into my inner self and to visualise issues to strengthen my life project.

Joaquín MussacchioDo you want to talk? I'm listening
Xabier García - MAGIS

Our students

It has been a very rewarding experience that has given me the chance to stop, reflect and disconnect from my routine.

Xabier GarcíaMAGIS

MAG+S Community

It is a network that promotes groups of young people (between 20 and 30 years old) in which to share and deepen their faith and life. Through group meetings, events and celebrations, with other people your age, you look at life and join a journey that helps you to seek and find God in everyday life, encourage commitment to justice and help each young person to find their place in the church and in the world through vocational discernment tools.

In Bilbao we are organised in four/five groups, which are made up of 10-12 people. Most of us are studying although some of us have already started working.

If you want to know more about MAGIS you can find more information on the website or visit the Deusto Campus Faith office on the Bilbao campus.

  • When: Wednesdays at 20 :15
  • Place: Arrupe Etxea, 2 Padre Lojendio St.
  • Note: prior interview is essential.

Sign up!

In San Sebastian we are organised in four groups, which are made up of 10-12 people. Most of us are studying although some of us have already started working. 

If you want to know more about MAGIS you can find more information on the website or visit the Deusto Campus Faith office on the San Sebastian campus. 

When: to be defined
Place: Loiola Centre. 3, Andia St.
Note: prior interview is essential.

Sign up!


UD Magis Blog

Garate International

Garate International at the University of DeustoIcono para el play del video

Garate International

Every year, the University of Deusto's community welcomes a significant number of international students with whom we share a space of encounter between different cultures, traditions and religions. We do so inspired by the figure of Blessed Francisco Garate (1888 - 1929), who was the person in charge of welcoming students to the university for forty years.




Visit Loyola

Deusto Campus invites you to take an excursion to the Sanctuary of Loyola in Azpeitia on Saturday, 9 November

08:30 Departure from Bilbao and San Sebastian
09:30 Visit to the Sanctuary of Loyola, San Ignacio Tower House, Chapel of the Conversion, free time, basilica, Errekarte farmhouse, birthplace of Blessed Garate
13:00 Free time
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalene
17:00 Return journey. 

Sign up



Time to pause, listen to our bodies and our inner selves through the practice of postural awareness.

When: Tuesdays.
Time: 14:00 - 14:45.
Venue: Romanesque Chapel (Bilbaocampus).

Sign up

When: Thursdays.
Time: 14:00 - 14:45.
Venue: Theatre Room, Innogune Building -2 (San Sebastian Campus).

Sign up


Taller de Inteligencia Emocional

Goleman afirma que existen habilidades más importantes que la inteligencia académica a la hora de alcanzar un mayor bienestar laboral, personal, académico y social.

La investigación educativa ha puesto de manifiesto la relación existente entre las habilidades de inteligencia emocional y en mejorar el ajuste psicológico de los estudiantes universitarios.

Cuándo: 16 y 23 octubre, en Bilbao
Hora: 14:00 – 15:30




Watch and discuss The Chosen

Watch and discuss The Chosen series as a group at the Deusto Campus facilities. We begin on Thursday, October 3rd.
Snacks included.

When: Every first and third Thursday of each month, in Bilbao
Time: 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM




Egunean Eguneko Ebanjelioa

Egutegi liturgikoa, igande eta jai-egunetan irakurgai guztiak, otoitzak eta debozioak

2025. urtea

Your vocation starts today

Vocational culture

nullIcono para el play del video

Your vocation starts today

Vocational culture

The story runs a certain parallelism between the conversion experience that Ignatius of Loyola lived 500 years ago and the wound that Nacho is living today in 2022. UNIJES has commissioned this inspirational video as part of the Project for the development of a Vocational Culture in its centres and on the occasion of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the conversion of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Remember, your vocation begins today, day by day, it begins in your story and with others.


  • Monday - 08:30 - Romanesque Chapel
  • Thursday - 08:30 - Romanesque Chapel
  • Wednesday - 13:30 - Romanesque Chapel
  • Thursday - 11:00 - Romanesque Chapel
  • Friday - 08:30 - Romanesque Chapel
  • Sunday - 20:00 – Residence Chapel

Mass schedules to be applied until 20 December

Tuesdays from 10:50 AM to 11:10 AM in the Gothic Chapel (St. Ignatius Oratory)

  • Blessed Francisco Garate, 10 September, Bilbao, Gothic Chapel 13:00
  • Course Opening, 25 September, Donostia, Loiola Zentrum 10:00
  • Advent-Christmas, 11 December, Bilbao, Gothic Chapel 13:00


  • 12:30 - Chapel of Christ in the Ntra. Señora de Begoña School in Indautxu.
  • 20:00 - Church of the Sacred Heart in Alameda Urquijo Street.

San Sebastian:

  • 20:30 - Church of the Sacred Heart at 3, Andia Street.

An opportunity for those who wish to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation or go to confession. Make an appointment by sending an email to

An opportunity for those who wish to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation or go to confession. Make an appointment by sending an email to

With the opening of the new chapel in the Antxieta building we will celebrate weekly Eucharist in the San Sebastian Campus on Wednesdays at 8:30 in this chapel.



Celebrate your wedding at the University of Deusto

Links of interest