Chairs are university units dedicated to developing specialised training, dissemination and knowledge generation and transfer activities through research work in their interest areas. These units are also a means to help promote relations between companies and the cutting edge of research and knowledge generated at the University.
Chairs are generally named after the discipline or area of knowledge being taught, which underlines the importance of this function. The network of Deusto Chairs shows university diversity and its potential to transfer knowledge to society.
Cities Lab Katedra researches cities, models, strategies and actions around the world that enable new habitats for human development.
The aim of the Family Business Chair is to raise awareness and train the business community in our area, with the participation of experts.
The Foundation made possible the birth of the Universidad Comercial de Deusto in 1916, and continues to collaborate with Deusto Business School today.
The aim of the Chair of Computational Mathematics is to develop a research, training and dissemination agenda of international dimension in the field of Applied and Computational Mathematics, its technology transfer and its interactions with other scientific disciplines.
It aims to inform public debates on the implementation of the EU's next generation and the European Commission's priorities in the post-COVID scenario.
It aims to implement an academic and research programme on the Economic Constitution of the European Union and its impact on national laws and policies.
The Chair is the expression of a fundamental objective of the Institute of Leisure Studies, the defence of the Right to Leisure of every citizen.
The objective is to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation, with a view to developing a systematic effort between a network of Latin American and European universities.