Educational Innovation

Teaching and learning

We are proud of our Teaching and Learning Strategy, which has demonstrated good results for all stakeholders (students, university community, employers and society). 

Service to the university community

We provide a service to the university community, especially to the teaching staff, in the exercise of their work as lecturers (both undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education; both offline and online), within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, based on the "UD Learning Model", and complying with the quality assurance system. By way of example, here are the most important activities carried out in the unit in recent years.

Contact us

Innovacion docente

Edificio Centenario, planta 1,
Avda. de las Universidades, 24. 
48007 Bilbao

944 13 94

Educational Innovation Unit

What do we do?


University community support

We support and advise the university community on teaching matters


Competence development

We promote the development of teaching staff competences.


Teaching-learning strategies

We provide training in new teaching-learning strategies


Competence Assessment

We provide training an support in competence assessment


Support for the use of technology in teaching

We provide training and support the use of technology in teaching


Competence-based learning

We provide training and support in competence-based learning


Teaching innovation projects

We contribute to promoting educational innovation at the University


Reflection on the University of the Future

We reflect on the University of the future


Good interdepartmental practices

We share best practices between departments or units

University of Deusto

Deusto Education Model

Our Learning Model focuses on students' all-round development, which promotes independent and meaningful learning and enhances the development of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, competences and values.

We have our own quality model for the planning, development and evaluation of teaching, which aims to meet the current requirements of the Quality Agencies at state and regional level (Docentia Programme) and to promote the professional development of lecturers in their university community.

Improving Teaching Quality

Formative assessment aims to assess teaching competences and it involves lecturers, students, colleagues and academic leaders.

Formative Assessment in Undergraduate Degrees

Formative Assessment in Master's Degrees

Accreditation evaluation is carried out on two levels: planning (label 1) and implementation (label 2).

  • Label 1 for Quality in Teaching Planning
  • Label 2 for Excellence in Teaching Implementation

Projects area

Teaching innovation projects, Jhein Network projects and Uniservitate project

Proyectos Red Jhein

We are part of a large network of Jesuit universities worldwide, with over 200 institutions.

Promoting teaching innovation is a challenge that we share in the Educational Innovation Units or Departments at these institutions. This is how we contribute to the dissemination of the mission across our universities.

Here you can find the Jesuit universities that share the same mission and seek excellence to provide our students with an all-embracing education. This excellence is aimed at serving others. As Father Arrupe said, “men and women for others and with others".

We firmly believe in networking to implement this mission. Therefore, the map shows the different units and departments with names such as “Learning Innovation Unit”, “Educational Innovation Unit”; “Teaching and Learning Center”, “Center for Teaching Excellence”, “Center for Teaching and Learning”, “Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning”, etc.

This network allows us to: share best practices, hold seminars and conferences, address cooperation projects, draw up joint publications, promote mobility schemes across universities, etc. Ultimately we hope that, thanks to this network, we can share this same journey.

The International University Innovation Forum (FIIU) will be a source of support and assistance for the innovation projects of its members and will allow to create a compendium of knowledge, successful designs and innovation models specific to higher education focused on the Higher Education Innovation Model as a benchmark through various projects, courses and meetings. 


Uniservitate Project

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Uniservitate Project

The "UNISERVITATE" Programme for Service-Learning in Catholic Higher Education is coordinated by Porticus, with the assistance of CLAYSS (Latin American Centre for Service-Learning) and a network of partner organisations and Catholic Higher Education Institutions (ICES).

UNISERVITATE aims to generate systemic change in the ICES through the institutionalisation of Service-Learning (SL) as a tool to carry out its mission of providing an all-round education, with the objective of generating actors for social change who are critically committed to achieving a better society in accordance with the social teaching of the Church.

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Educational Innovation Blog

Learning to teach

Teaching innovation



Competence-based learning

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Educational Innovation

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Teaching Staff Training

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Competence Assessment

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Teaching Quality

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Ignatian Pedagogy

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Últimas Jornadas de Innovación

XI educational innovation day