Guidance Service

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University Guidance

About the University Guidance Service

Studying at university can be very rewarding and stimulating. In the coming years you will learn many things, make new friends, get to know different viewpoints, live new experiences and identify new personal and professional goals that will guide your path in the future. However, adapting to university life also involves major challenges, such as joining new groups, learning to cope with the workload, meeting the demands of each subject or studying more efficiently. Your personal motivation and effort will be key to adapting and achieving the best possible results. The University Guidance Service will offer you a range of resources that will help you to make the most of your time at the University.

The University Guidance Service is made up of a team of psychologists and teachers who will guide you throughout your years at University so that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. 


Bilbao Campus

24, Universidades Ave.
48007 Bilbao - Central Building
Offices 354 and 356

944 139 306

San Sebastian Campus

50, Mundaitz St.,
20012 San Sebastian - Antxieta Building
Office 224

943 326 600 Ext.: 5181


2023/2024 Academic year report

In figures


by tutor

4/5student satisfaction

with the tutoring

45courses and workshops

carried out by University Guidance Service


with the training provided by the University Guidance Service


for tutors

4.5/5tutor satisfaction

with the training provided by the University Guidance Service


25th anniversary of the University Guidance Service



Bilbao campus

Offices 354 and 356, Main Building
Take the lift next to the Garate Room - Go up to the 3rd floor. Take the corridor to the right of the lift and follow door numbers.


San Sebastian campus

Enter through the back of the Antxieta building, go up the spiral staircase, and after passing the glass door follow the numbering until you find the office.