Campus social

A University committed to serving society

The University of Deusto seeks to be a driver of social transformation within the academic sphere. To this end, it makes the Social Campus available to social entities.

These services are mainly channelled through the third sector and are aimed at both the institutions that make up the sector and the people and groups that receive their attention and care.

Its role is to welcome the demands for services that have an impact on society and facilitate dialoguebetween third sector institutions, NGOs and public institutions by offering university spaces that can respond to their requests for specifically academic services.

Contact us

Campus Social

Avda. Universidades 24. 48007 Bilbao (Bizkaia)
María José Schultz M.
944 139 003
ext.: 3095

Available to institutions



Undergraduate Final Year Projects, Master’s Final Projects or specific programmes


Learning and services

Learning experiences and products and services


Student solidarity internships


Volunteer Work

Social Campus

In figures

15ongoing projects

4Faculties involved

15projects requested this academic year

18linked entities

European University Volunteering and Service-Learning Programme

Vuela 2024

Social Campus

Transforming society

Mary Tere Guzmán

Working together allows us to better fulfil our mission, advance social justice, and strengthen our commitment to social transformation

Mary Tere Guzmán


María José Schultz

Making ourselves available to social demands and responding to them with a specifically university contribution not only transforms society but also transforms individuals and, in turn, their entire environment.

María José Schultz

Social Campus

Javier Pérez Hoyos

The real needs of organisations and the social sector provide the best training ground for our future professionals. The university must be receptive to these challenges and address them.

Javier Pérez Hoyos


Mavi Laiseca

The Social Campus is an opportunity for collaborative work, a chance to share knowledge and experience, and above all, a possibility to commit to a just and fraternal world for everyone.

Mavi Laiseca


Juan José Etxeberria S.J.

Deusto is a transformational university that also transforms itself to better respond to the needs of society

Juan José Etxeberria S.J.

University of Deusto

Campus Social

Conoce nuestros proyectos

Our collaborating partners:

Aprendizajes de los estudiantes


Riqueza y prosperidad

Conocer una forma diferente de crear riqueza y prosperidad. Saber que los conocimientos sobre “empresa” se pueden aplicar en otros contextos siendo consciente de que el talento se debe poner al servicio de los más vulnerables.


Perseverancia y resiliencia

La importancia de la perseverancia y la resiliencia. Muchas iniciativas de mujeres habían fracasado, pero ellas se recomponían y seguían trabajando sin rendirse.



Saber empatizar. Aprender a ver a través de la gente, siendo consciente de que las personas son así porque su vida les ha hecho crecer de esa forma y ser como son.


Capacidad de adaptación

Desarrollo de la capacidad de adaptación. Vencer el miedo hacia lo nuevo, lo desconocido y lo incierto.

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