International students

Deusto is international

1436international students

76countries of origin

973incoming mobility students

418official international students

60%come from Europe

30%come from America

7%come from Asia

2%come from Africa


I want to do an on-site mobility

Come to Deusto and get to know academic excellence from up close.

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I want to do a virtual mobility

Register on our Virtual Campus and get access to an inclusive cross-disciplinary academic offer in all time zones.

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Deusto Abroad Diaries

Listen to testimonials from students who have completed an international mobility.

Sustainability Guide


Sustainability Guide

Our geographical position and our cultures offer an excellent option for studying abroad. You will achieve cross-cultural competences and acquire personal and professional opportunities. Of course, you will enjoy our cities and natural landscapes, taste great dishes and have an unforgettable experience with new friends. We know that this experience usually has a huge environmental impact, and promoting sustainability is essential for Deusto. Thus, it is important to change mobility patterns to lower your ecological footprint significantly. There are many tips and websites that are well-known, but many others are overlooked or hard to find. That is why this guide for a sustainable experience was created. Enjoy!

Read our guide