Scientific publicationsScientific production activity

Scientific publications

In figures

387 WOS


51 %Q1 SJR,
36 SJR congresses

592 conference papers and communications


Research publications of particular impact

Volunteer tourism: The future of baby boomer tourists in a post pandemic world

Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela

Journal: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management / Start date: 2023

An adaptation of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire for the sports environment

Borrajo Mena, Erika; Azanza Martínez De Luco, Garazi; Urquijo Cela, Itziar

Journal: REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA DEL DEPORTE / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 176 / End page: 185 / Start date: 2023

Analyzing structural and functional brain changes related to an integrative cognitive remediation program for schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial

Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Sánchez, Pedro; Gómez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristobal; Tous-Espelosin, Mikel; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia

Journal: Schizophrenia Research / Journal number: 2023 / Start page: 82 / End page: 92 / Start date: 2023

The coach's role in young athletes? emotional competence and psychological well-being

Aguinaga San Jose, Iñigo; Santamaría García, Txemi; Merino Ramos, Laura

Journal: International Journal of Emotional Education / Journal number: 15 / Start date: 2023