In dialogue with economic and social actors Companies and organisations


Deusto established the University-Business relationship more than 100 years ago and since then it has remained a solid and permanent link. When we say business, we also mean social entities and administration. This relationship creates opportunities for students to learn in real environments in various formats. The presence of professionals in the classrooms, the contrast of the new degrees with the current needs of businesses or the support for the labour market insertion of students are examples of other realities that support this link. 

3.831 undergraduate

and postgraduate students doing internships in companies


curricular and extracurricular internships


host intern students


in dual training

Employment, our priority

At Deusto we place the employability of our graduates as one of our priority objectives, and we work in different areas with the clear focus of contributing to maximising this employability.

Insertion into the labour market in figures

99 %of Deusto graduates

have work experience within 3 years of completing their studies

1.400job opportunities

published on Alumni Network portals

924intermediary actions

matching candidates with companies


participated in 33 careers workshops

Dual education, where work and study "merge"


Dual education, where work and study "merge"

In dual education, the learning and working process does not occur sequentially (first «studying» at the University and then «working» in the company) but simultaneously (studying and working at the same time). Dual does not mean more internships or more training, but responds to a new paradigm in which the university and the company share and tare co-responsible for students’ training. It involves co-designing the subject together, co- sharing it together and co-assessing it.

Further information

"The international rankings value the University positively, not only for its excellent education and research at the service of a fairer society, but also for its direct connection with public administrations, companies and social organisations"


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At Deusto we have been committed to promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity in a systematic and rigorous way for years. All our degrees and most of our postgraduate courses include this transversal competence. Furthermore, we have a range of programmes focused on these areas and various activities focused on communication, awareness-raising and cooperation. All this allows each student to bring out the best in them and develop their innovative, creative and social construction skills when it comes to entrepreneurship and/or intra-entrepreneurship in companies and organisations.

Deusto Entrepreneurship

At Deusto we are firmly committed to society, contributing to social welfare through people, guided at all times by our university project. We work to understand, measure, evaluate and manage our social impact.

Deusto Social Lab


Deusto Social Lab

Deusto Social Lab is a space designed to be an ecosystem that is firmly committed to innovation. The aim is to contribute to the development of individuals as drivers of social transformation through cooperation between all economic and social actors. The main areas of action addressed include dual education, lifelong learning, employability and access to the labour market, entrepreneurship and innovation, the University' social impact, relations with Alumni and relations with economic and social actors (companies, social organisations, public institutions).

Deusto Social Lab

Advisory Board

José Luis Larrea

José Luis Larrea

  • Presidente del Consejo Asesor de Deusto Social Lab
Adolfo Morais

Adolfo Morais

  • Viceconsejero de Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco
Ainara Basurko

Ainara Basurko

  • Diputada de Promoción Económica de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
Alberto López de Biñaspre

Alberto López de Biñaspre

  • Lantek
Alfonso Gurpegui

Alfonso Gurpegui

  • Viceconsejero de Empleo e Inclusión del Gobierno Vasco
Ana Zudaire García

Ana Zudaire García

  • Directora de Personas en Idom
Begoña Pérez

Begoña Pérez

  • Directora de EITFood
Elías González

Elías González

  • Director General de Sarralle
Emilio Titos

Emilio Titos

  • Presidente de Robotekin
Fernando Granell

Fernando Granell

  • Socio Director de NWorld
Gorka Martínez

Gorka Martínez

  • Director general de Fundación BBK
Iñaki San Sebastián

Iñaki San Sebastián

  • Responsable de Proyectos Estratégicos en CAF
Itziar Epalza

Itziar Epalza

  • Directora general de la Red de Parques Tecnológicos de Euskadi
Javier Giral Gracia

Javier Giral Gracia

  • Socio Director Zona Norte Deloitte
Javier Lezama

Javier Lezama

  • New Business Development de P4Q
Javier Martínez Lasa

Javier Martínez Lasa

  • Director de Acción Social de Rural Kutxa - Caja Rural de Navarra
Jesús Valero

Jesús Valero

  • Director General de Tecnalia Research and Innovation
Jon Ander de las Fuentes Inchausti

Jon Ander de las Fuentes Inchausti

  • Director Territorial Euskadi y Navarra MASORANGE y Fundación Artizarra
José Antonio Prol

José Antonio Prol

  • Director de Salesianos Deusto
José Ignacio Zudaire

José Ignacio Zudaire

  • Director Personas y Organización, Económico Financiero y Relaciones Institucionales de Petronor
José Ortega

José Ortega

  • Socio Responsable de Negocio País Vasco, Cantabria, La Rioja y Navarra, de NTT Data
Juan Arraiza

Juan Arraiza

  • Director General de Eactda
Juan Pedro Badiola

Juan Pedro Badiola

  • Director territorial del País Vasco de la Caixa
 Marcos Muro

Marcos Muro

  • Director General de Bilbao Kirolak
Maria Elisa Dorronsoro Artabe

Maria Elisa Dorronsoro Artabe

  • Directora Banca Privada BBVA
Miguel Zugaza

Miguel Zugaza

  • Director del Museo Bellas Artes Bilbao
Oiane Niebla

Oiane Niebla

  • Manager de Innovación Abierta de Sener
Pablo Ocaña

Pablo Ocaña

  • Co fundador y director de Transformación Social de Urbegi
Patricia Arias Otero

Patricia Arias Otero

  • Miembro del consejo
Pilar García de Salazar

Pilar García de Salazar

  • Teniente diputado general y diputada foral de Desarrollo Económico y Equilibrio Territorial en la Diputación Foral de Álava
Raquel del Pozo

Raquel del Pozo

  • Directora de Personas en RDT Engineers
Tamara Yagüe Martínez

Tamara Yagüe Martínez

  • Directora General Tecnuni y Presidenta Confebask
 Teresa Laespada

Teresa Laespada

  • Diputada Foral de Empleo, Inclusión Social e Igualdad en la Diputación Foral de Vizcaya
Unai Alaña Díaz de Guereñu

Unai Alaña Díaz de Guereñu

  • Responsable de Análisis Económico Regulatorio en Iberdrola España
Xabier Iturbe

Xabier Iturbe

  • Presidente de Euskaltel
Xabier Manterola

Xabier Manterola

  • Socio Director de Teknei

The role of alumni

For the University of Deusto, the alumni are an play a key role in the University' s life and atmosphere. Furthermore, alumni associations are also crucial in assisting graduates with their services, aimed at providing them with job training and access to work experience, 

career development services or networking job offers, among others.  All these services are designed by and for Deusto students, with the aim of contributing to the development of a quality professional life project.

Deusto Alumni

Deusto Alumni Reunion

Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum


Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum is a milestone every year as it is an excellent meeting point for companies, professionals, the university and our students and graduates. These meeting spaces enable dialogue and knowledge of each other and are windows of opportunity for university students seeking employment and for alumni who may find themselves on the other side offering jobs. Also, we, as a university, have the opportunity to further strengthen ties and share projects with the organisations that join us.

Find out more

Deusto Entrepreneurship Week

Innovation and entrepreneurship will be the main themes during a week that will bring together around a thousand students, teaching and research staff and other stakeholders.




At Deusto we are aware of the need for cooperation between stakeholders to provide answers to the increasingly complex social challenges we face. One of these pathways is through collaboration with various vocational education and training centres, thus enabling people who have completed a vocational education programme to further their learning at university.