Outgoing mobilityStudy mobility

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How far do you want to go?


Entra a la Oficina Virtual de Movilidad

Destinations offered

Learn about the language requirements

Please note that this is not a list of confirmed destinations, as information on the universities to which you can apply for mobility will not be available until November.

Language requirement


Language requirement

To apply for a place at a university where teaching is in English, French, German or Italian, an external qualification of the required level or an internal language proficiency test, which is a qualifying test, must be passed.

More information

International Mobility 2023/24

Check if you are eligible for mobility

Students eligible for mobility in the next academic year (2023/24) must be taking the following studies in the academic year 2022/23.



Click on the following links to see the information on the call for applications:




Faculty Regulations

Check the international mobility regulations in your Faculty from the button below. Available soon.


International Mobility Call

What steps should I expect?

Information Sessions

Information sessions will be organised for each degree programme in November.

Language test

Students will register for the internal language test. Only students who cannot prove the required language level with an official certificate will be enrolled in the test.

Application period

In January, students will select their preferred destinations in the online application.

Allocation of places

Mobility places will be allocated on the basis of the call rules in February.

Application at destination

Once Deusto nominates the student, they will follow the steps indicated by the host university.

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How far do you want to go?

It has been a very enriching experience. It also teaches you to get out of your comfort zone.

Outgoing mobilityYour mobility experience

Now it is also possible to listen to Deusto!

Deusto Abroad Diaries

Listen to testimonials from students who have completed an international mobility.

Why go for a mobility programme?

To strengthen communicative skills in the language of the region and to deepen intercultural competence.

Strengthening social skills.

Obtain different and complementary perspectives to those you receive at the University of Deusto.

Internationalisation and integration in multicultural and multilingual teams is a key factor for the professionals of the future.

It is a very positive and differentiating element in the student's academic curriculum.
