Social action and inclusion

Social action and inclusion

The Social Action and Inclusion Services is led by a social worker and its main objective is to contribute to improving the quality of life of the people who are part of our university, paying special attention to those who are disadvantaged or have specific problems. The aim is to ensure that everyone can participate in university life with the help of other services.


Bilbao Campus

24, Universidades Ave., 48007- Bilbao

944139000 (Ext:2982)


Support to students with disabilities and/or special educational needs (SENs)

The University of Deusto is committed to guaranteeing equal opportunities within the framework of the European Higher Education Area. To this end, it has set up the programme Support for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as SENs) within the Social Action and Inclusion Service (hereinafter referred to as the service).

The main objectives are to achieve full normalisation, equal opportunities and to gradually adopt the necessary measures so that the University of Deusto can become an inclusive educational institution.
The service is designed for:

  • Students with physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments.
  • Students who have a degree of disability of 33 per cent or more recognised by the relevant public body.
  • Students who need specific educational support for having special educational needs due to disability or serious behavioural disorders, specific learning difficulties, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), high intellectual abilities, late entry into the education system or personal conditions or academic performance.
  • Students with temporary incapacity due to a fracture, operation, rehabilitation, etc.

It also provides guidance and advice to academic staff.


  • Guarantee equal opportunities for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs at the UD.
  • Contribute to removing barriers to access, promotion, participation and learning for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs.
  • Managing non-significant curricular adaptations.
  • Inform about the different technical and financial resources, both in-house and external.
  • Inform about the regulations and resources for the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market
  • Monitor students enrolled in the service.
  • Produce a report and a census with quantitative data each academic year. 

Communication campaigns

Psychological support - Deusto Psych



A space available for students to offer or demand services


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