Academic informationHuman training in values module

Human Education in Values Module

What does the Human Education in Values Module consist of?

These are cross-disciplinary subjects taught at the University of Deusto that all students should take in their respective degrees.

One of the subjects is taken in 2nd yearº (6 ECTS) and the other in 4th yearº (6 ECTS).

The different options and the selection process can be found on this website.

Why is this module being taught?

Because it is in line with the University' s Jesuit identity, which according to the Ledesma-Kolvenbach paradigm, involves aiming at individual development in all its dimensions:

  • Utilitas. Professional excellence at the service of the human family.
  • Humanitas. Educating individuals who are mindful, competent, compassionate and engaged.
  • Iustitia. Looking at the world with academic rigour from the perspective of the impoverished, those who suffer injustice.
  • Fides. A faith that, in constant openness and dialogue with the world, helps us grow in humanity.

By adapting to the Bologna European Higher Education Area, it focuses on:

  • The acquisition of a wide range of competences.
  • Curricula that include teaching oriented towards respect for and promotion of human rights, the values of a culture of peace and democracy, and the principles of equality and solidarity.

Subjects for 2nd year students


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In this video tutorial you will be able to see step by step how 1st year students at the University of Deusto should proceed in the Virtual Office to carry out the pre-selection of 2nd year subjects in Human Education in Values

HOW TO APPLY for 2nd year subjects

Application for admission 2025-2026

You can choose five subject/language combinations from the range of subjects offered in order of preference.

Through our Virtual Office (see video)

Log into our Virtual Office

Information will be published in your Virtual Office: provisional allocation, 28 April; final allocation, 14 May.

The assigned subject will already be registered when you re-enrol. You will need to select it to complete your enrolment.

From March 3rd to 12th.

a) the receipt generated in the Virtual office is proof that the application process has been successfully completed;

b) please check that the registered application matches the one you applied for;

c) you can repeat the selection process as many times as necessary but only the last application registered will be taken into account.

Deadline for complaints (from April 28th to May 5th). No complaints will be accepted after the deadline.

We believe in the development of people

4th year subject


4th year subject

In the second semester of the 4th year of your degree, you must take the Civic and Professional Ethics subject. The Centre for Applied Ethics has been teaching it for more than 25 years in all the degrees at the University of Deusto.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy. Ethics researchers and lecturers at the University of Deusto show in these videos how ethics is an essential part of our personal and professional lives today.



If you have any questions, you can write to the following e-mail addresses: (Bilbao Campus)  (San Sebastian Campus)