2030 Agenda

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Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - also known as Agenda 2030 - were promulgated by the United Nations in 2015, with targets for 2030 set for each. The 17 goals aim to achieve greater prosperity, confront poverty and inequality, and protect the life of the planet.

The 2030 Agenda is primarily governmental in nature, involving all countries, but aims to improve the living conditions of developing countries and poor communities in particular. In turn, not only governments but also other social and economic actors are expected to contribute to it.

These include universities, which have made a strong commitment to collaborating in the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda and have drawn up documents for the deployment of the SDGs in the field of teaching, research and transfer.

The Agenda 2030 at the University of Deusto

The UD recognises that it has been contributing to the areas identified by the SDGs for years, while also feeling challenged by the scope and content of many of them. The UD has identified four cross-cutting axes: Education, Gender, Social Justice and Ecology, on which it is working actively to address the challenges of the SDGs.



24, Universidades Ave. 48007 Bilbao (Biscay)


Agenda 2030



Agenda 2030


Further to these cross-cutting areas for the entire University, some goals are given special attention, such as Health (3), especially through the degree programmes offered in the Faculty of Health Sciences and also the work developed by the health service; Sustainable Cities (11) through the Cities Lab Chair; and Industry, innovation and infrastructures (9) by the various faculties and centres. 

Finally, SDG 17, Partnerships for the goals, is a real working method implemented by the University across all its initiatives.

Deusto, the university that builds society


University Social Responsibility

Service and Commitment

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University Social Responsibility

Service and Commitment

The University of Deusto intends to further serve society through this plan, working more closely with different actors, promoting a critical view of reality, partaking in social processes and changing oganisational structures.

Strategic networks