juan francisco lopez paz

Imagen del profesor juan francisco lopez paz

Dr. Juan Francisco López Paz holds a PhD in Psychology (1996) from the University of Deusto. He currently works as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, and is the Practicum Coordinator on a graduate and post-graduate level. He belongs to the Consejo de Redacción de la Revista de Orientación (Guidance Journal Editorial Board), and teaches graduate studies in subjects such as: Psychology of Human Development, Psychology of the Adult Age and Third Age and Group Dynamics. He also teaches post-graduate studies in the following subjects: MA in Mental Health (Facing Chronic Illness and Clinical Assessment of Depression), MA in Gerontology (Basic psycho-social principles of the ageing process), MA in Secondary School Teacher Training (Guidance and Tutorials) and MA in Educational Guidance (Psychology of Adolescence). His research work is linked to the following subjects and areas of activity: Quality of Life and Third Age, Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology (chronic illness). The most recent congresses and meetings in which he has taken part have been: Jönköping University - School of Health Sciences (Sweden, 2007), International Symposium of Psychosocial Aspects on Neuromuscular Diseases (Spain, 2008), XXIII World Muscle Society International Congress (Great Britain, 2008), The International Educational and Networking Forum for e-Health, Telemedicine and Health ICT ( Luxembourg, 2008), 5th International Rehabilitation Conference on Neuromuscular Diseases (2009), 7th Spanish Psychophysiological and Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Society Congress (Valencia, 2010), International Interpsiquis Congress (2011), Galicia Paediatric Congress (2012), and 9th HTAi Bilbao (2012). He has published articles in magazines such as: Neuromuscular Disorders, Spanish Journal of Psychology and Developmental Neuropsychology.


Room: 216-D

Tutorials : Es conveniente previamente concertar cita, a través de la dirección: jlopez@deusto.es

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


11.00 - 12.30

Room: 216-D