luzio.uriarte@deusto.esLuzio Uriarte González is Sociology Graduate and Doctor of Theology from the University of Deusto. He is currently contracted as a teacher by the University of Deusto, where he teaches at the campus of Bilbao.His teaching is concentrated in BA in Social Work, BA Primary Education and Tehology. His subjects are: “Oriente y Occidente en sus grandes tradiciones religiosas” (in Basque and in Spanish), “Tradizio soziokulturalak eta erlijioen arteko elkarrizketa” (in Basque) and “Eliza, sakramentuak eta morala” (in Basque).He is publishing papers dealing with the subject of the religious phenomenon in the context of secularism and social pluralism. In the last few years those have been his main field of work and investigation.He works in the investigation team called: “Nuevas demandas sociales y prácticas de armonización de la diversidad religiosa en el espacio público local o regional”. This team has been recognized by MINEDUC (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science). In addition, he collaborates with another investigation team: “Postmodernidad, pluralidad y postsecularidad”.
Room: D-203
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