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Your tutor will assess you individually or with a group on academic, personal and/or professional aspects.
Your tutor will be your interlocutor with the Dean’s Office, the Secretariat and the rest of the academic staff and will manage and collaborate in actions aimed at helping you improve in the Faculty.
The tutor is, in short, the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal problems affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.).Team of tutors for your degree
BEATRIZ achiaga menor
JOSE IGNACIO aguirre rodilla
AITOR arbaiza valero
PEDRO azpitarte iribar
Nerea aranbarri kortabarria
JAIME balaguer lacasta
ANGELICA barco fernandez
LEIRE bereziartua gonzalez
ANGELA bermudez velez
Ainhitze bizkarralegorra bravo
JONATAN caro rey
ITZIAR casanueva sanz
MIKEL cearsolo cabrejas
JAIME cuenca amigo
Alicia carnicero aguirre
MIKEL del rio vera
UNAI estebanez sevilla
JOSE IGNAZIO etxezarreta odriozola
Paula fernandez gago
IRENE gantxegi madina
ANGELA garcia perez
NEKANE garcia zubiarrain
IGNACIO gomez marroquin
IVAN gonzalez alonso
BEATRIZ gonzalez ciordia
AITOR goti elordi
ANA goytia prat
MIGUEL ANGEL iglesia peralta
IRUNE jimenez gonzalez
GERMAN lasa arrizabalaga
JOSE ANGEL lecanda esteban
JON legarda macon
JUAN LUIS DE leon azcarate
MARCELO leslabay martinez
JUAN MANUEL lopez garde
VANESA lorenzo baz
MERTXE luzuriaga gabiña
Javier machimbarrena guerrica-echevarria
JOSE ANTONIO madariaga ibarra
MIGUEL martin zurimendi
FRANCISCO JAVIER martinez contreras
JON IÑAKI martinez lopez de guereña
MAIDER miranda sancho
MARIA JESUS monteagudo sanchez
MIGUEL ANGEL navarro lashayas
IBON oleagordia ruiz
IKER pastor lópez
JUAN MANUEL pedrero iñiguez
LORENZO pedrolli
José Eusebio pérez mayo
IDOIA quintana dominguez
AIUR retegi uria
JESUS MANUEL riaño sierra
JULIO CESAR rivera pedroza
LIDIA rodriguez fernandez
ISRAEL ruiz salmon
Teresa ribas luzarraga
IMANOL JOSU sarria rubin de celis
PEDRO MANUEL sasia santos
María José schultz montalbetti
Samir A. sánchez escalante
LUZIO uriarte gonzalez
GORKA urrutia asua
MANUEL MARIA urrutia leon
JOSE LUIS DEL val roman
IÑAKI vazquez gomez
JAVIER vicente saez
MIGUEL RAMON viguri axpe
María Nely vásquez pérez