lorenzo pedrolli

Imagen del profesor lorenzo pedrolli

Lorenzo Pedrolli, PhD, is a professor and researcher (PDI, Personal Docente Investigador) at the University of Deusto, Spain. He is teaching engineering subjects such as materials science and mechanical drafting, while he continues to explore advanced materials characterization and advanced manufacturing while furthering his research on CFD-DEM, pneumatic conveying, and their applications in additive manufacturing. Lorenzo completed his PhD with a thesis titled "Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Element Modelling Study of Metallic Powder Flow Characteristics in Laser Metal Deposition." This achievement was supported by academic mobilities at Newcastle University (UK) and the University of Trento (Italy). Throughout his PhD journey, Lorenzo actively participated in conferences on particulate solids and published research focusing on contact models for DEM simulations and optical imaging of pneumatic conveying. Lorenzo holds a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering (2012) and a master's degree in Mechatronics Engineering (2015), both from the University of Trento. During the final year of his master's program, he gained teaching experience by instructing mechanical technologies at a local Technical High School (EQF 4). After graduation, Lorenzo contributed to a research project in collaboration with a local company, where he developed expertise in finite element analysis and topological optimization while working on an inertial energy storage system. Following this, Lorenzo worked as a mechanical designer for a machining center manufacturing company, focusing on high-performance spindles and maintaining a comprehensive perspective on machinery and production processes. He then joined an Innovative Training Network (ITN) under the Horizon2020 program, conducting research at a semiconductor research center in Berlin (Germany) as part of the STREAM project. In the subsequent years, Lorenzo continued teaching mechanical design and mechanics full-time at the Technological High School in Trento. Simultaneously, he worked as a freelance mechanical engineer and lectured on Oleodynamics and Pneumatics at the University of Trento. Lorenzo pursued his PhD at the University of Deusto in Engineering for the Information Society and Sustainable Development program. His studies were conducted under the COFUND project 6i-DIRS, which is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions within the Horizon2020 program. His doctoral research centered on computational fluid dynamics and discrete element modeling to investigate metallic powder flow characteristics in laser metal deposition.

Tutorials : Aulas de tutoría 5ª planta ESIDE - ver Alud para Reservas

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


14:00 - 16:00

Room: A


15:00 - 16:00

Room: A