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Complement your bachelor´s degree with
Throughout the Degree, a number of professionals and experts in the field of communication will share their experience in the classroom. The aim is to bring the real world closer to the university through presentations of case studies and the latest trends in organisations and the media. Xabier Madariaga (EiTB), Germán Lasa (Tecnalia), Josep Martí (Cadena Ser), Rosa María Calaf (RTVE), Guillermo Viglione (Agencia Dimensión) … are some of the professionals who have visited us.
Especially in the last two years of the degree, students will have the opportunity to carry out communication projects in real environments. The entities will put forward proposals that the student teams will have to analyse and develop during the course. These include the Akorde-NG Sariak initiative, in collaboration with the Noticias de Gipuzkoa newspaper, which is part of the Advertising subject in the 3rd year.
One of the activities most highly valued by students are visits to the media (El Diario Vasco, Berria, EiTB) and other entities (Tabakalera, Mintzola, Etxepare Institute). Those in charge take advantage of students' presence to explain to them in detail the tasks they carry out. Also, we often attend live press conferences on current affairs.
One of the most highly rated items in the satisfaction surveys completed by students each year is the student-lecturer interaction. All Deusto degrees are characterised by the personalised attention and close contact they provide in the follow-up of subjects and the frequent tutorials scheduled.
The TV studio is equipped with two professional cameras, TV production desk and overhead lighting with ceiling spotlights. Streaming live broadcasts is also possible thanks to a powerful server. The two radio studios are divided into two areas: technical and voice-over. Both studios are connected to the campus server so that all the radio material produced can be used from anywhere within the University’s facilities.
While studying the degree, students will become familiar with the production and editing of content in audio podcast format and digital writing through their participation in the Deusto Irratia programme and the Deustokom blog, respectively. The University of Deusto is a member of the Association of University Radio Stations (ARU), which brings together a large number of radio stations throughout Spain.
A university resource for students which will help you achieve the best possible academic results and boost your development as a person and future professional.
If you have a disability, chronic illness, mental and/or psychological problems or temporary disability, we will support you with curricular adaptations and complementary tools (crutches, lecterns, hearing aids, etc.)
The aim is to answer queries or problems regarding the understanding of the various course subjects and provide guidance and monitoring of the activities and assignments to be carried out.
The tutoring plan is designed to assist students in adapting to the University.The tutoring plan is designed to assist students in adapting to the University. Your tutor will be the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal issues affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.). It is designed to help you adapt to the University environment.
MARINA abad galzacorta
JOSE ANGEL achon insausti
NAGORE ageitos varela
MARIA aizpuru ayerbe
MIREN AURKENE alzua sorzabal
ARITZ arano irizar
LEIRE arrieta alberdi
IÑIGO asensio valverde
MIKEL atxa elordui
Enara artetxe gonzález
XABIER barandiaran irastorza
JAVIER bienzobas aramburu
DAVID buján carballal
Miren berasategi zeberio
IÑIGO calvo cia
Ana dominguez fanlo
Rocío de las muñecas san segundo
JAVIER echave torres
ANIA elorza saez
ROGELIO fernandez ortea
AITOR garmendia lazcano
BASAGAITZ guereño omil
Mª CINTA guinot viciano
Irene galarraga arrieta
Miren gutiérrez almazor
Virginia higuera rodriguez
ASUNCION ibañez romero
ARANTXA iraola alkorta
LANDER iruin ibarzabal
Nuria jiménez trinidad
EIDER landaberea abad
CONCEPCION lasagabaster olazabal
ASIER leoz aizpuru
Endika lecaroz agara
Jorge R. lópez benito
MIKEL madina ugartemendia
ALAZNE mujika alberdi
Tonka maric
José Antonio marin paredes
ITZIAR navarro picabea
JON ona saenz
JUAN IGNACIO pagola carte
ELIXABETE perez gaztelu
MILA perez gonzalez
OLATZ pison arizcuren
IÑIGO puertas paz
Asier peña saiz
Diego pérez urruchi
ANA ISABEL recalde delgado
IKER rioja andueza
MARIA PILAR rodriguez perez
JON sagastagoitia orbea
BEGOÑA sanz garrido
Samir A. sánchez escalante
ESTHER zulaika ijurko
Ainhoa álvarez berdejo