nagore ageitos varela

Imagen del profesor nagore ageitos varela

Nagore Ageitos holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Deusto, as well as a research competence qualification in Applied Statistics for Economics and Business Administration from UNED. She earned a degree in Economics, specialising in Industrial Economics, and a Diploma in Business Studies from the University of the Basque Country. Additionally, she is a Higher Technical Expert in International Trade. She is currently a lecturer at the University of Deusto, teaching on the Bachelor's programmes in Tourism and Communication at both the San Sebastian and Bilbao campuses. Her area of expertise is economics and finance. Specifically, she lectures on Financial Management, Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, and Fundamentals and Management of Organisations in both Basque and Spanish. She also supervises several Bachelor’s Final Projects. She is a member of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Deusto and the Tourism Research Team.

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