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MIREN KARMELE araujo diez
ANE arbillaga etxarri
AINHOA artiz larrondo
Adrian aginagalde llorente
Eduardo alvarez-hornia pérez
JAIONE beristain larrucea
ANGELA bermudez velez
AINTZANE beti abad
Dr. Juan Carlos bonito gadella
ANDONI charton bujan
NEREA cortazar enciondo
JAIME cuenca amigo
MARIA egea carro
OIHANE elkorobarrutia elosegi
IZASKUN fernandez erdoiza
Javier gascón garayoa
ERREKA gil rey
BALTASAR gomez galan
MARIA ALEXANDRA gualdron romero
CAYETANA guerra gómez
ANA ABEL guevara jiménez
ANE gutierrez aguirregabiria
Borja garcía lorenzo
Maitane garcía martín
Ángela gonzález barbadillo
PATRICIA hevia colomar
LAURA hojas martínez
CARLOTA las hayas rodriguez
AURORA madariaga ortuzar
ÓSCAR martínez gutiérrez
Guillermo mazzucco mazzucco
LAURA merino ramos
INMACULADA moro casuso
CAROLINA muguruza millan
ESTIBALIZ novoa marin
Amaia olaortua erquiaga
JAVIER oleaga goya
Diana ochoa tamayo
XABIER pilar diaz
IZASKUN saez de la fuente aldama
JAIONE san millan de clasca
DANIEL soler pérez
José Ramón sánchez isla
MERTXE télez sedano
ANDER urruticoechea ribate
IKER villanueva ruiz
NEREA agirre garmendia
GARAZI aldanondo aristizabal
MIREN AURKENE alzua sorzabal
MARIA amestoy ruiz
ANE arbillaga etxarri
MIREN OIHANA aristizabal martinez
ANE arrieta arce
Miren abadia guinea
Adrian aginagalde llorente
Mikel artola balda
Peio beriain cebas
AMAIA carrillo amutxastegi
ANDONI charton bujan
Amaia cuesta zigorraga
Gille dublang sadaba
Olaia echeverria olaiz
Javier gascón garayoa
ERREKA gil rey
ANE gutierrez aguirregabiria
Borja garcía lorenzo
Ana garcía rodríguez
Ángela gonzález barbadillo
Maialen gorricho genua
ANA hernandez nogales
AMETSA jauregui de gregorio
CARLOTA las hayas rodriguez
JULENE legarretaetxebarria albizua
ÓSCAR martínez gutiérrez
Guillermo mazzucco mazzucco
IRATI mendizabal alonso
LAURA merino ramos
JON ona saenz
MIKEL oronoz etxeberria
Ainara otamendi artola
XABIER pilar diaz
ITZIAR sanz cestau
ANE MIREN telleria macazaga
ANDER urruticoechea ribate
IKER villanueva ruiz
Each academic year you will have a tutor, the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal issues affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.).
- Giving you advice on academic, personal and/or professional matters.
-Speaking on your behalfto the Dean’s Office, General Secretariat and other faculty members.
-Managing and cooperating with actions to improve your years at the Faculty.
Lecturers are responsible for holding academic tutorials on the subjects they teach. These meetings focus on helping students with any queries or problems they may have in understanding the various subjects and providing guidance and follow up on projects and assignments.
See your lecturers’ office hours and the room number on the academic staff profiles.
In addition to the tutorials, the University offers you the University Guidance Service (SOU), which will support and help you in making decisions that affect your academic performance and personal well-being. The Student Guidance and Support Service also has a psychology section for student consultation.