izaskun saez de la fuente aldama

Imagen del profesor izaskun saez de la fuente aldama

Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente holds a PhD in Sociology and Political Science. She teaches undergraduate courses on Critical Choices against Social Life and Civic and Professional Ethics in the Human Education in Values Module and Contemporary Political Theories from a Justice Perspective; the Professional Module on the Master¿s in Ethics for Social Construction, of which she is currently Director. She is a member of the Centre of Applied Ethics (CEA) and its research team on Ethics applied to social reality.Her research work focuses on the convergence between sociology of religious facts and political science through three main research areas: Socio-political ethics, interculturality and interreligious dialogue and the gender perspective.



Room: 317

Tutorials : previa cita por email: izaskun.sdelafuente@deusto.es (Despacho 317D)

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