Centre for Applied EthicsConflicts and peace

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ApproachesBuilding cultures of peace

1. Study

The Centre for Applied Ethics (CAE) studiessocial conflicts, particularly those driven by political motives, which manifest violently. Conflict is inherent to coexistence between individuals and groups, but the ethical perspective adopted by the CEA emphasises that there are ways of managing it that are either constructive or destructive, inclusive or exclusive, and that, although violence may become socially normalised, it is neither inevitable nor desirable. On the contrary, it is profoundly unfair.

2. Analyse

Social processes that contribute to the denormalisation and delegitimisation of violence and the construction of sustainable cultures of peace. To this end, it studies the role played by various actors, including the victims of violence themselves, former members of armed groups who have renounced the use of violence, pacifist sectors, the general public, political authorities, the media, and educators.

3. Where

The team has conducted research in places such as the Basque Country, Colombia, Mexico, Serbia, and El Salvador. Their work takes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together applied ethics, political philosophy, political sociology, social and cultural anthropology, cognitive and discursive psychology, and education. The gender perspective that is progressively incorporated into their work forms a central cross-cutting theme in interdisciplinary dialogue.

Conflictos y paz

Dos temáticas principales

Procesos sociales de legitimación y deslegitimación de la violencia. 

El equipo analiza, por un lado, la violencia en sí misma, el rol que distintos actores tienen en su ejercicio y los discursos sociales que se construyen para justificarla. Examina, asimismo, los procesos sociales y políticos que contribuyen a su deslegitimación. 
Los trabajos se enfocan a la comprensión y apoyo al protagonismo de las víctimas y personas que han renunciado al uso de la violencia. Abordan, desde ahí, cuestiones como la verdad, memoria, justicia, arrepentimiento, perdón, convivencia y reconciliación.

Pedagogías críticas para la construcción de culturas de paz.

Los proyectos investigan las contribuciones que la educación histórica, ciudadana, y la educación para la paz pueden hacer al fomento de la comprensión crítica de la violencia en la sociedad. Tienen en cuenta, tanto los procesos educativos y enfoques pedagógicos de colegios y universidades, como los propios de espacios no formales como museos o iniciativas de movimientos sociales.

Conflict and Peace Projects


Construcción de paz desde la perspectiva de las víctimas [1995-presente]

Team: Galo Bilbao, Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente, Xabier Etxeberria.


This project brings together different studies carried out on violence in the Basque Country and its victims, the implications of taking their perspective and the various contributions they make to peace-building from non-partisan positions. 


Testimonios de renuncia a la violencia política y claves críticas para su deslegitimación [2019-2022]

Team: Angela Bermudez (IP), Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente, Javier Martínez Contrera and Galo Bilbao.


DES-VIOS project to investigate the processes of both enchantment and disenchantment with violence, focusing on a case study of the renunciation of politically-driven violence in the Basque Country.  


Enseñanza de la Historia y Construcción de la paz en Euskadi [2019-2021]

Team: Angela Bermudez (IP), Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente, Galo Bilbao and Cristina Pena.


This research and transfer project aims to explore the questions that young people in the Basque Country ask themselves about the Basque conflict and politically-driven violence. It seeks to understand the perspectives and needs of young people through intergenerational dialogue.  


Exhibiciones de Violencia [2018-2021]

Team: Angela Bermudez (PI), Angélica Padilla, Rodoljub Jovanovic, Adriana Botero.

Funding: BBVA 2018-2019; EU-Marie Sklodoska Grant- Cofund Grant No. 665959


EX-VIOS aims to explore the potential of non-formal historical education methods to promote a critical understanding of political violence. To this end, it will examine how different violent pasts are represented in museum exhibitions and memorial spaces, in cinema and historical literature, in graphic novels, or in various artistic formats.


La extorsión en la empresa [2018-2020]

CAETeam : Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente (PI) Cristina Aragón and Cristina Iturrioz (DBS).

Funding: Basque Government and private foundations


This project explores the reality of ETA extortion suffered by Basque companies with a twofold objective. First, it seeks to identify the impact of extortion on behaviours, decisions, outcomes and business development in the short and medium term. Second, it seeks to adapt existing frameworks for analysing the impacts of violence or extreme events on business realities.


Memorias institucionales de la violencia terrorista y reconciliación [2017-2020)]

Team: Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente (IP), Javier Arellano, Angela Bermudez, Galo Bilbao and Xabier Riezu.

Funding: Basque Government and private foundation.

The aim of this project is to design a methodological guide to help various social organisations to undertake an institutional memory project. The aim is to understand their actions and dynamics in response to terrorist violence or other victimisation processes taking place in their local context.


Análisis ético-político de la extorsión y la violencia de ETA contra el mundo empresarial (2012-2017)

Team: Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente (IP), Galo Bilbao and Xabier Exteberria.

Funding: Basque Government, Provincial Council of Alava; Bilbao City Council and various public and private sources.

This project brought to light a dimension of ETA's activity that has gone unnoticed and recognised the thousands of victims who suffered a type of violence that sought to turn them into coerced financial supporters of the organisation's deadly activity.


La comprensión de la violencia política a través de la educación histórica (2012-2016)

Team: Angela Bermudez (PI), Alan Stoskopf, Angélica Padilla, Diego Argumero, Irene Gantxegi.

Funding: Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (EU 7th Framework Programme 2012-2016) and Spencer Foundation Research Grant (2013-2014).

This project investigated how history textbooks and the pedagogical practices of teachers in Colombia, Spain and the United States normalise or de-normalise political violence. Based on this research, 10 Narrative Keys re proposed that allow us to analyse how the violent past is represented.

Learning Community

History teaching and peacebuilding in the Basque Country

The Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of Deusto (CAE) and the Basque Youth Council (EGK) led a learning community in the 2019-2020 academic year to explore the questions and reflections posed by young people about the politically motivated violence experienced in the Basque Country over the last half-century.

One of the main objectives of this community was to identify key aspects of how to teach the history of this violence in a way that it can contribute to its delegitimisation and to building a culture of peace. Initially, 11 young people aged between 17 and 25 participated, of whom 7 continued until the end, with diverse academic backgrounds and family, social, and political environments, but with a shared interest in discussing their concerns and experiences

The Learning Community has shown the potential of a pedagogical process to trigger questions and raise concerns in young people's perceptions and to encourage historically more intricate explanations of events.

The research team has compiled the results in three notebooks.

The first one takes a conceptual approach to the contributions of history education to the delegitimisation of violence. "See the Basque version".

The second is a systematisation of the process followed by the learning community with young people. "See the Basque version"

The third offers a set of recommendations and pedagogical resources for teaching the history of recent violence in the Basque Country.  See the Basque version 

Timeline of the Basque conflict and violence in the Basque Country. 

The team members include the following:

  • Ángela Bermúdez Vélez, principal investigator of the project
  • Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente, CAE researcher
  • Galo Bilbao, CAE researcher
  • Cristina Pena Mardaras, CAE researcher
  • Jesús Prieto Mendaza, CAE collaborating researcher

On 24 September 2021, researchers Ángela Bemúdez, Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente and Jesús Prieto presented the results of the project in Bilbao. The event was also attended by two of the young participants. The following video summarises the press conference in 8 minutes. 

These are the most relevant findings. These will be further tested in a second phase of the learning community with education professionals.

  • Young people have little knowledge of the history and conflict in the Basque Country. This highlights the lack of attention paid to this issue in the educational sphere. Silence also prevails in many families and groups of friends.
  • Although they have little knowledge, they do have fragments of individual and collective memory, ideas, stories and symbolism. For the most part, these come from families, groups of friends, their social and cultural environment or from the media and social networks, but they are transmitted without encouraging critical analysis.
  • These memory fragments show significant resemblances to what the research team has called "the age-old conflict narrative", which includes elements such as war between two sides and the collective imaginary of an oppressed and resistant people. These elements lend themselves to legitimising violence and failing to recognise the plurality of Basque society.
  • The pedagogical approach that guides the Centre for Applied Ethics requires that the teaching of history takes these fragments of memory into account and addresses them critically to facilitate their questioning and transformation..

Press conference

Presentation of the conclusions

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Press conference

Presentation of the conclusions

On 24 September 2021, researchers Ángela Bemúdez, Izaskun Sáez de la Fuente and Jesús Prieto presented the results of the project in Bilbao. Two of the young participants also attended. The following video summarises the press conference in 8 minutes. 

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Download the press release

Conflict and Peace

In videos