1. Study
The Centre for Applied Ethics (CAE) studiessocial conflicts, particularly those driven by political motives, which manifest violently. Conflict is inherent to coexistence between individuals and groups, but the ethical perspective adopted by the CEA emphasises that there are ways of managing it that are either constructive or destructive, inclusive or exclusive, and that, although violence may become socially normalised, it is neither inevitable nor desirable. On the contrary, it is profoundly unfair.
2. Analyse
Social processes that contribute to the denormalisation and delegitimisation of violence and the construction of sustainable cultures of peace. To this end, it studies the role played by various actors, including the victims of violence themselves, former members of armed groups who have renounced the use of violence, pacifist sectors, the general public, political authorities, the media, and educators.
3. Where
The team has conducted research in places such as the Basque Country, Colombia, Mexico, Serbia, and El Salvador. Their work takes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together applied ethics, political philosophy, political sociology, social and cultural anthropology, cognitive and discursive psychology, and education. The gender perspective that is progressively incorporated into their work forms a central cross-cutting theme in interdisciplinary dialogue.