Centre for Applied EthicsAbout the centre

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Centre for Applied Ethics

about the centre

The Centre for Applied Ethics (CAE) is devoted to research, teaching and knowledge transfer in four main areas:

  • Business ethics
  • Public Ethics
  • Conflict and Peace
  • Sustainable Development

Our aim is to help individuals and organisations to identify, understand and address the ethical challenges facing them in an ever-changing society.

The growing complexity of phenomena such as globalisation makes it increasingly necessary to have ethical references for dealing with socially and culturally diverse contexts.

Therefore, at CEA, we focus on studying the forms of organisation, policies, rules, and ideas that determine the impact that various types of organisations have on society, rather than just analysing individual behaviour.



Avda. de las Universidades, 24. 48007 - Bilbao

944 139 225


Memoria democrática, represión y postguerra

Las caras de la represión en la Guerra Civil y en la postguerra en Euskadi 1936-1965

Tertulia impartida por Ángela Bermúdez - Javier Gómez y José Álvarez 

Fecha: Día 25 de febrero, 19:00hrs, 

Lugar: Travesía de las escuelas 1, Bilbao

Ética por áreas

Centre for Applied Ethics

What we do



We rely on the research potential of an interdisciplinary team that combines philosophical reflection with social research. Our researchers come from disciplines as diverse as philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, economics and engineering.



We take a practical approach. We work collaboratively with non-academic organisations such as companies, NGOs or public administrations in exploring contemporary ethical challenges. We do this through sustained structures to embody the co-creation of shared knowledge.



The centre's transfer area aims to respond to the needs of public and private organisations in its four specialist areas. We do this through training and consultancy services.



We have coordinated the subject 'Civic and Professional Ethics' in all undergraduate and master's degrees at the University of Deusto for the past 25 years. More than 1,000 students study this subject each year. This experience extends to the training of professionals with the Expert Diploma in Ethical Organisational Management (100% online).


Academic rigour and social commitment

We bring together the valuable aspects of the various theories and schools of ethics, with the rigour and academic excellence that is a hallmark of the University of Deusto. We always have a vision of social transformation that focuses on the perspective of people who suffer violence or are socially and politically excluded.

Centre for Applied Ethics


The CAE has its origins in the "Aula de Ética Social" which began at the University of Deusto at the beginning of the 1993/94 academic year. Its aim was todevelop the UD’s University Project with regard to the promotion of the values underpinning human dignity. In the 1996/97 academic year, Xabier Etxeberría took over the management of the school and remained in the post until the end of 2010, when José María Guibert took over until 2013.

In its first stage, the Aula de Ética focused on promoting the compulsory presence of a professional ethics subject in all the University’s undergraduate degrees, as well as on the training of academic staff to ensure that this subject was adequately taught.

In the 1995-96 academic year, the Aula de Ética launched a collection of "Cuadernos de Ética" published by the University's own publishing house, with the aim of disseminating and publicising research results.

From the beginning, the Aula joined national and international networks such as UNIJES, AUSJAL, Metanexus, EBEN, FUCE and, through the latter, the European Ethics Network. Partnerships and joint initiatives have been particularly intense with Latin American universities through bilateral collaboration agreements with the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM - Mexico), the Universidad Católica de Temuco, and the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

In 2008, the University recognised the existence of the ‘Ethics applied to social reality’ team with three main research areas: social and political ethics, organisational ethics, cooperativism, social and solidarity economy. In 2010, the team was recognised by the Basque Government

In December 2009, the Centre for Applied Ethics was created, opening up the possibility for the Centre to design and develop postgraduate programmes.


Theoretical ethical reflection and empirical analysis



Theoretical ethical reflection and empirical analysis


The mission of the CAE involves the analysis and promotion of personal and collective practices aimed at promoting social justice, peaceful coexistence, people's dignity and their right to participate fully in social, political and economic life.

We integrate various approaches in our work. We combine reflection on the minimum ethics that persons, social organisations, public institutions and companies should observe, based on the promotion of social policies and practices that contribute to the comprehensive development of people and societies.



Blog del Centro de Ética Aplicada

A two-fold dimension: organisational and personal


We engage in issues that raise ethical challenges for social contexts to raise awareness, provide support, and impact or cooperate with other social agents.

Our contribution to social changes is distinctive for its university nature and the rigour with which we address analysis and its application to social reality.

We seek engagement with the common good from a deeply rooted group awareness. We perform our mission through cooperation, co-responsibility and the interdisciplinary nature of the task at hand.

We encourage all the CAE members’ engagement in internal decision-making, clearly defining the levels and scopes in which this participation must take place.


The CAE on Linkedin

The CAE on Linkedin

The CAE on Linkedin

We are an academic centre that researches, educates, and disseminates knowledge in the field of applied ethics. Our aim is to help individuals and organisations to identify, understand and address the ethical challenges facing them in an ever-changing society.

Follow us to keep up to date with our activities, courses, reflections and proposals