Deusto Business SchoolPHD Programme

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PhD Programme in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability

The PhD programme in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability is set within the “Aristos Campus Mundus 2015” framework. This initiative is the result of the strategic alliance of three socially oriented universities: the University of Deusto,  Comillas Pontifical University and  Universitat Ramon Llull.


Innovation and sustainability

You will be able to study in depth the various factors affecting the competitiveness of companies and territories. Particular emphasis is placed on innovation as an essential factor for competitiveness and on sustainability as a key element to ensure the well-being of future generations. To this end, the Programme delivers a sound and rigorous background in research methodology.


Business competitiveness

The search for solutions to enhance the competitiveness of companies and territories requires not only financial resources, but also research and innovation capacities. It also requires research and innovation management capacities to effectively transform financial resources into innovations that support sustainable competitiveness.

Further information

PhD Programme in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability

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Programme secretariat

Telephone: 944 139 096 Ext: 2296 / 2376

Programme coordinator

Iñaki Peña