Deusto Business SchoolIn Company | Executive Education

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Are you looking for a solution for your company?

Thanks to a deep understanding of our customers and their needs, we provide training solutions that help you overcome your challenges and elevate your team.

Leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, digital strategy… provide your team with knowledge and the most innovative leading trends. Put at their disposal the tools that will allow them to boost their potential and develop their competencies in a more effective way.



  • Listen to, understand, and aggregate the needs of your organisation to design a programme in line with your challenges and corporate culture.
  • Develop and implement the training solutions, ensuring that they achieve the objectives proposed and that they have a positive impact on your organisation.

Further information

Erich Ibarrola
Executive Education Corporate Relations
Tel. 943 326 600 ext 5620

Deusto Business School, among the top 50 business schools in the world according to the Financial Times ranking (Executive Education Custom)


Deusto Business School, among the top 50 business schools in the world according to the Financial Times ranking (Executive Education Custom)

The University of Deusto is in the top 5 in Spain according to this publication that has evaluated the schools for their Executive Education programs tailored to the needs of companies (In Company).


Erich Ibarrola

Your academic partner

It is a joint effort where the objective is to co-design that solution which will allow companies to successfully overcome their challenges.

Erich IbarrolaExecutive Education Corporate Relations

In Company guarantees:



Analysis, together with the customer, of the content which best adapts to his needs, with focus on the sector, the market they are addressing, and the set objectives.


Immediate impact

Each participant will put into practice the knowledge acquired in his company which, in turn, will allow them to immediately be able to measure the return of their investment in the training.


Supplementary resources

Resources and activities aimed at bolstering training, such as a 4.0 community, prework and postwork reading, talks, team building and outdoor training activities, etc.



All the programmes available at the Deusto Business School include a certificate issued by the business school which confirms the completion of the programme.

Proven reliability

Among the best schools in the world

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Among the best schools in the world

The Deusto Business School has the prestigious AACSB accreditation (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), an international organisation which recognises the best business schools in the world.

Further information

Corporate relations

Erich Ibarrola
Executive Education
Tel. 943 326 600 ext 5620