Deusto Business SchoolAdvisory board

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Connected to the business community

Deusto Business School's Advisory Board embodies one of the features that defines our identity: being connected to the business community to respond to cutting-edge issues and trends in management, leadership and education.

The Board's mission is to provide advice on strategy and support the executive team in addressing the challenges of growth, internationalisation and academic excellence, as well as the humanistic leadership that is the hallmark of Deusto Business School's guiding principles. The vision of the people involved in the day-to-day operations of businesses, social organisations and institutions contributes to ensuring the relevance and impact of our research programmes and projects.

Commitment to education as a factor for the progress of societies

The Advisory Board members have inspiring career backgrounds and are committed to education as a driver of progress in societies.

They undertake a voluntary commitment to provide their full support and honest advice to the Mission and Vision of Deusto Business School, thus contributing to its consolidation and growth towards the future.

The membership captures the diversity of organisations, companies and institutions that together are key players in shaping developed and fair societies.

We want the Board to be a meeting place for many different perspectives, thus broadening our School's vision.

Deusto Business School Advisory Board

Chairmanship of the Board

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri

  • Chairman of Deusto Business School Advisory Board

    President of Caixabank
Matías Alonso

Matías Alonso

  • Vice-Chairman of Deusto Business School Advisory Board

    Retired Accenture Managing Partner -Member of Global Leadership Council and Global Utilities Industry Lead-



Cristina Burzako

Cristina Burzako

  • Movistar+ CEO & Advisor
Consuelo Crespo

Consuelo Crespo

  • Former President of UNICEF-Spain
Antonio Garamendi

Antonio Garamendi

  • President of the CEOE
Anton Azlor

Anton Azlor

  • President of Deusto Business Alumni
Hildur Eir Jónsdóttir

Hildur Eir Jónsdóttir

  • Assurance Leader EY Spain
Mónica de Oriol

Mónica de Oriol

  • Founding Chairman Net4Things
Susana Rodríguez Vidarte

Susana Rodríguez Vidarte

  • Board Member of BBVA
Fernando Ruiz

Fernando Ruiz

  • Former President of Deloitte Spain
Gonzalo Sánchez

Gonzalo Sánchez

  • President of PwC Spain
Juan Carlos Ureta

Juan Carlos Ureta

  • Board Member of Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Madrid

Other board members

Luis Abril
General Manager of INDRA

Isabel Aguilera
Former General Manager of Google for Spain and Portugal

Joaquín Almunia
Former Vice-President of the European Commission

Luis Atienza
Chairman of Argo Capital Partners

José María Bergareche
Chairman of Diana Capital and First Vice-Chairman of Vocento

Ana Patricia Botín
Chief Executive Officer of Banco Santander Group

Juan Manuel Eguiagaray
Board Member of Elektro

Belén Frau
Global Communications Manager - IKEA

José Galindez
Founder of Solarpack

Agustín Garmendia
Former President of Deusto Business Alumni

Manuel Guasch
Chairman of Alimentos Naturales, S.A

Juan Manuel Hoyos
Chief Executive Officer and of the Board of Directors of Haya RE

Antonio Huertas
Chairman of Mapfre

Xabier Iturbe
Chairman of Euskaltel

Miren Loyola
Member of the Advisory Board of Bankoa ABANCA

Ignacio Marco-Gardoqui
General Manager and Board Member at Alantra Wealth Management

Victor Mugica
President of the Luis Bernaola Foundation

Jesús Ponce
President of Novartis Group in Spain

Alfredo Sáenz
Former Chief Executive Officer of Banco Santander

Carlos Torres
President of BBVA