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OLATZ arce larrory
LUCÍA RUTH barrenetxea minguez
ERIKA borrajo mena
ARKAITZ castañeda babarro
OIHANE ciruelos eraso
FERNANDO díez ruiz
MIGUEL ANGEL fuentes garcia
IRENE gantxegi madina
Alain garalde gorostola
NATALIA garcia corada
IERA garcia gonzalez
XABIER gonzalez santamaria
LANDER hernandez simal
JONE hurtado reina
LEIRE ituiño aguirre
NADIA ALEJANDRA lanza echenique
ARKAITZ larrinaga undabarrena
BEÑAT lavin monteserin
Lander lozano cuevas
MIRYAM martinez izaguirre
IRATXE menchaca sierra
IKER muñoz perez
Egoitz mojas ereño
AINTZANE narbaez lizarralde
FRANCISCO JAVIER oliver bernal
Gabriel otsoantezana bengoetxea
JESSICA paños castro
JON peña san jose
LIDIA rodriguez fernandez
VIRGINIA ros vitorica
Guillermo ranero de régil
IKER saez gomez de cadiñanos
ENEKO sanchez mencia
AITOR santisteban leguina
MIKEL torre fernandez
Laura trimiño pérez
Maier uriarte marcos
ITZIAR urquijo cela
ERLANTZ velasco luzuriaga
GARAZI yurrebaso atutxa
Eneko zabaleta fernández
ALAITZ amezua urrutia
MAITE amondarain garrido
MIKEL atxa elordui
Eneko balerdi eizmendi
SUSANA cormenzana redondo
AHINITZE errasti echeberria
PATRICIA espinosa blanco
BEÑAT etxeberria illarregi
Mikel ferradas garcia
MIGUEL ANGEL fuentes garcia
ERREKA gil rey
Jon herrero fonseca
OIHANE korres alonso
MAIDER lamarain altuna
BEÑAT larrinaga garcia
BEÑAT lavin monteserin
PATXI leon guereño
Itsaso leunda goñi
Lander lozano cuevas
Garbiñe lozano real
IRAITZ olaetxea balerdi
JURGI olasagasti ibargoien
JON ona saenz
JON peña san jose
Iñigo pastoriza azpilicueta
VIRGINIA ros vitorica
Jesús rodríguez guzman
Ainhoa sanchez hernandez
ITSASO tolosa larrañaga
ELENA tuparevska
Laura trimiño pérez
NAROA uria olaizola
Maier uriarte marcos
NOEMI viana garcia
Iratxe zuazola gorroño
Eneko zabaleta fernández
Alexander álvarez gonzález
Each academic year you will have a tutor, the person you can turn to when you have a problem or concern of any kind (learning, personal issues affecting your academic performance, new initiatives, proposals for improvement, etc.).
- Giving you advice on academic, personal and/or professional matters.
-Speaking on your behalfto the Dean’s Office, General Secretariat and other faculty members.
-Managing and cooperating with actions to improve your years at the Faculty.
Lecturers are responsible for holding academic tutorials on the subjects they teach. These meetings focus on helping students with any queries or problems they may have in understanding the various subjects and providing guidance and follow up on projects and assignments.
See your lecturers’ office hours and the room number on the academic staff profiles.
In addition to the tutorials, the University offers you the University Guidance Service (SOU), which will support and help you in making decisions that affect your academic performance and personal well-being. The Student Guidance and Support Service also has a psychology section for student consultation.