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This double degree will prepare you to become a teacher in early childhood education (0 to 6 years) and primary education (6 to 12 years). You will develop skills to support student learning, developmental progress, and diversity. You will learn how to foster children's basic, social and emotional skills, acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the teaching-learning process. In addition to teaching any generalist subject, you will be able to specialise in an area according to the specialisation you choose.
Children's education and would like to be part of their learning process; if you believe that schools are drivers of social change and are enthusiastic about working towards this goal, then this degree is for you.
You will primarily study in Basque, but you will have the option to take some subjects in English. Upon completing the degree, you will obtain recognition of your C1 language profile in Basque (*BOPV - Decree 47/2012) from the Basque Government, as you will have completed over 60% of your studies in Basque.
How learning andcare for individualswork. Additionally, you will learn how tomanage groups and provide properguidance to students, both personally and academically.
San Sebastian Campus
Primary Education + Early Childhood Education
On campus
Admission process closed
We prepare future teachers with the skills necessary to promote cognitive, emotional, and social growth from early childhood.
Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities
If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant programme. We will give you information about the entry requirements and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.
To find out if you are eligible for a grant for your degree studies, we provide you with a grant simulator, which will allow you to find out if you meet the academic requirements to obtain a grant.
Universidad de Deusto / Deustuko Unibertsitatea
Mundaiz 50 20012 Donostia-San Sebastián
Tel. 943 297 279