Double Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education + Early Childhood Education

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    A practical and dynamic learning method

    Deusto learning model (MAUD)


    Experiential context

    We know that we learn from experience. Therefore, at Deusto, our starting point is students’ previous knowledge.


    Reflective observation

    Once these preliminary outlines have been established, it is essential to observe them and also to question them.



    We compare our previous knowledge with written theory on the subject.


    Active learning

    Learning needs not only to understand that theory but to put it into practice. To this end, activities, exercises, practices, projects and/or research work are carried out, where each student applies different skills.



    Finally, the assessment process involves reflection on what the student has learned and evaluation of the work completed.

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    Learn all about university jargon

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    Find answers to your queries

    Learn all about university jargon

    If you are about to enter university or have been there for a short time, there are some basic concepts that you should be aware of. 

    In this video we will explain the most common ones: bachelor’s degrees, double degrees, ECTS credits, Deusto degrees, specialisations, dual degrees, honour loans, etc.

    Campus Donostia

    Calendario, horario y fechas de exámenes


    Calendario escolar

    Calendario académico oficial.

    Ver información


    Horarios 2025-2026 primer semestre

    *Horarios provisionales sujetos a cambios. 


    Horarios 2025-2026 segundo semestre

    *Horarios provisionales sujetos a cambios. 


    Academic regulations



    Academic regulations

    It is important to know the regulations governing undergraduate degree programmes. They contain full information about the number of exam sessions you are allowed to sit, requirements to continue in the degree programme (minimum number of credits you must pass per year, moving on to the next year of study, maximum time allowed to complete the degree….), regulations for recognition of credits and the General Academic Regulations.

    You can see all the academic regulations on the Academic Regulations section on the Deusto student website you can consult all the academic regulations.