Languages, Management and International TradeBachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages and Management + International Trade Skills

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    If you are interested in the world of business, international business and languages

    About the Bachelor’s degree

    The global economic and social environment is becoming increasingly complex and has an impact on business decision-making. Would you like to learn how to analyse and manage it?

    Would you like to be able to interact and communicate in various foreign languages both in national and international contexts?

    Then, this degree is right for you!


    A versatile profile

    We train professionals with a versatile profile, an aspect that is highly valued by companies due to the changing environment we live in. 



    Professionals in high demand

    The figures back us up; according to the Lanbide study (January 2021) we have a 93% job placement rate for our graduates.


    A multilingual degree

    You will learn English and a 2nd foreign language.

    We work in small groups adapted to different levels of knowledge.


    Design your future

    Each student will design their own path and future project. The academic education you receive on the degree will open many doors to you, if you would like to further expand your curriculum with a postgraduate degree.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Languages, Management and International Trade

    • Duration/credits:

      4 years - 240 ECTS

    • Combinations:

      International Trade Skills

    • Language

      Spanish - Basque - English

    • Number of places

      65 places

    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Admission process closed

    • Faculty:

      Social and Human Sciences
    • Share:

    An in-depth look at the degree

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    An in-depth look at the degree


    Dr Lorena Ronda, coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Languages, Management and International Trade, tells us about the degree, and gives us an overview of the course syllabus, career opportunities, mobility scheme, internships and student profile.

    Don't miss the video!

    Complement your Bachelor’s degree with...

    Find out about our Deusto degree programme

    International Trade Skills

    Es un complemento al grado, con el fin de que nuestro alumnado obtenga un refuerzo en su perfil académico y conseguir de ese modo profesionales más competitivos

    Más información

    Management, Languages and International Trade

    Keys to choosing this programme



    It prepares you to be able to mediate and communicate between different economies and cultures, which are essential skills in today's globalised markets.



    Training in
    business management

    With which you will acquire all the necessary techniques to go deeper into different organisational areas and departments.




    You will be able to plan, develop and coordinate international actions according to the internationalisation strategy defined by the company or organisation.


    International profile

    75% of the subjects are taught in English. You will also study a 2nd foreign language (French, German or Chinese).  An international profile that is completed with a stay abroad.


    Compulsory internships

    We have a wide network of service companies, import-export companies, law firms, consultancies, etc., with international activity, which you can choose as a destination for your internship experience. 



    The programme gives you access to a wide range of master's degrees: Marketing, Human Resources, International Trade, Business Communication and Supply Chain Management, among others.

    Inés Gómez de Iturriaga. Studying for my degree allowed me to lay the foundations to be able to specialise in business management and international trade.

    Studying for my degree allowed me to lay the foundations to be able to specialise in business management and international trade.

    Inés Gómez de IturriagaGraduate
    María Uriarte. I finished my degree doing an internship in a multinational company and now I am studying for a master's degree in international business.

    I finished my degree doing an internship in a multinational company and now I am studying for a master's degree in international business.

    María UriarteGraduate

    grants and student finance


    grants and student finance

    If you choose to pursue your studies at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. Find out about the entry requirements and the grants promoted by other organisations.


    Student finance


    Admission criteria

    See information


    Academic regulations

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    Campus Bilbao: 
    Avenida de las Universidades 24, 48007 Bilbao

    Contact us:

    944 139 063

    Languages, Management and International Trade

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