Languages, Management and International TradeBachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages and Management + International Trade Skills

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    What does the International Trade Skills programme offer?

    A Deusto degree that makes a difference

    This is a proposal that we offer at the University of Deusto as a complement to the degree, with the aim of reinforcing our students' academic profile and thus achieving more competitive professionals to respond to the specific needs in the field of international trade demanded by companies.

    You will study skills that will enable you to work in the field of global markets, international strategy and market research, among others.

    To study this Deusto degree programme you will need to demonstrate that you have a B2 English level, according to the CEFR, established by the Council of Europe. 

    International Trade Skills

    5 reasons to study a Deusto degree programme


    Tools for international trade

    It provides an international overview of global markets, import and export and the main dimensions that companies take into account in their decision making.


    English skills

    If you want to acquire this international profile, you need to enhance your language skills, so you will study all subjects in English.

    Entry requirement: B2 level in English.


    7 additional subjects

    This Deusto degree programme is worth 36 ECTS and consists of 7 subjects spread over 4 years; these include International Business Environment: Geomechanics and Power, Business Statistics and Marketing Research and Management of International Strategy. 


    Management skills

    Acquiring useful management and data analysis skills are among the objectives of studying International Trade Skills.


    International profile

    If you study this Bachelor's degree jointly with the Deusto degree programme, you will acquire an international profile that will equip you with the competences and skills necessary for the management of commercial relations in international scenarios.

    Lorena Ronda. 7 subjects that provide students with the tools to understand the complex landscape in which companies operate.

    7 subjects that provide students with the tools to understand the complex landscape in which companies operate.

    Lorena RondaLecturer