Deusto Law SchoolLoyola Legal Clinic

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Loyola Legal Clinic

The Loiola Legal Clinic was created in March 2016 through a pilot project run in partnership with the University of Deusto Law School and CEAR-EUSKADI (Commission for Refugee Aid in the Basque Country). The participation of CEAR-Euskadi reinforces the commitment of the Legal Clinic to refugees and their situation in recent years.

This experience began with a group of 12 trainees who have collaborated in situations related to immigration law, asylum and income guarantees for migrants and refugees in the Basque Country.


Contact us

Loyola Legal Clinic

944 139 003




Do you want to participate in the Clinic?

Internships with NGOs


Internships with NGOs

The Loiola Legal Clinic is the Faculty’s key institution as an instrument for bringing social justice closer to law students. It works with social entities (CEAR, Caritas, ALBOAN, Ellacuría ....) in order to:

  • develop a committed legal practice.
  • raise students’ awareness of their ability to influence and transform reality.
  • promote social justice and equality.
  • build a culture of peace through Law.
  • create an inclusive, open and involved society.
  • foster a culture of democratic participation.



Complement legal training through service-learning experiences


Enable social justice work and commitment to guide students’ professional profile


Support social and personal processes by responding to social needs, based on the development of legal learning competences


Put legal knowledge at the service of society through a commitment to the values of social ethics and the defence of human rights


Promote and improve the transfer of the knowledge and research generated at the University to society

Una apuesta por la justicia social

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Una apuesta por la justicia social

Asier Martínez Bringas nos presenta la Clínica Jurídica Loiola, cuya idea es aproximar cómo el Derecho, su estudio y su pedagogía pueden tener una orientación hacia la justicia social, hacia todas aquellas personas y sectores que aparecen como sobrantes en el sentido común de nuestras convenciones. Por ello la importancia de re-enfocar las experiencias de aprendizaje-servicio desde el derecho, con el foco muy concreto en las formas de desigualdad social.


Collaborating partners

Social organisations

If you are part of a Social Organisation, you can collaborate with the Loiola Legal Clinic and we will inform you of your legal needs. Our objectives with regard to the Social Organisations are:

  • Providing legal support and assistance to the needs of organisations.
  • Accompany the processes and practices of the organisations that participate in the university service-learning activity 
  • For more information, please write an email to

Useful Documents

Educational Cooperation Agreement


Legal firms

If you are part of a Law Firm interested in collaborating with the Loiola Legal Clinic, you can contact the Clinic and let us know what your possible areas of collaboration would be pro bono. Our objectives with regard to the Legal Firms are:

  • Collaborate in projects where law firms can develop their pro bono activity.

For more information, please write an email to

Useful Documents

Collaboration Agreement with Legal Firms



Colegios de Abogados



Colegios de Abogados

El Decano del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia, o persona en quien delegue; así como los Decanos de otros Colegios de Abogados de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi forman parte del Consejo Asesor de la Clínica Jurídica Loiola y colaborarán con ella pro bono en el desarrollo de algunos de los proyectos.

Para más información, escribe un correo electrónico a

Other collaborations

If you are interested in collaborating with any of the projects and themes of the Legal Clinic, please contact us by email to