Deusto Law SchoolCareers Advice Service

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Careers Guidance Service

The Careers Guidance Service of the University of Deusto Law School is a service that organises, coordinates and runs activities and events to respond to students’ queries, especially at the time of completing their studies (what am I going to do? what career options does my degree offer me? what should I improve in my CV?...), but also in previous years.



Eba Gaminde EgiaIcono para el play del video

Mejorar la empleabilidad

El Servicio de Orientación Profesional organiza todos los años diferentes actividades relacionadas con vuestro futuro profesional.

Eba Gaminde EgiaDirectora del Servicio de Orientación Profesional



Help you clarify your future career options


Provide you with information, contacts and tools to improve your employability

Career guidance

In the last two years, students will have the opportunity to attend a series of voluntary activities to learn more about the main career options offered by any degree linked to the Law School and meet professionals in these fields.


Career opportunities in the private sector. An annual meeting between employers and students where representatives of leading national and international law firms discuss current issues and interact with students by collecting their applications.


Career opportunities in the public sector. A monograph on the world of competitive examinations with information on how to prepare for them in general and on the most important bodies and levels in particular:
1) Justice, Registries and Notaries;
2) Finance, Labour and Social Security;
3) Local, regional and state administration.


A monograph on career options in the EU institutions: employment and traineeship opportunities and the EPSO selection procedures.


A career counselling or mentoring programme, with a group structure of 4 or 5 students or advisees coordinated by a professional who acts as an Advisor or mentor. The aim is to facilitate and assist in the elaboration of a professional project and the final decision.

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World Café with small/medium-sized law firms

An informal meeting during which students will have the opportunity to meet representatives of small/medium sized law firms over a cup of coffee to discuss their concerns about the practice of law: how to start, what options are available, what qualities are valued to be a good lawyer?

Deusto Lawyers

Encuentro anual entre despachos y estudiantes de Deusto