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Pandemic, emotional health, psychosocial risks in the workplace and people's rights
Opening address
Elena Pérez Barredo. Vice-Minister of Labour of the Basque Government
Manuel Velázquez Fernández. Labour and Social Security Inspector and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination
Aitzol Asla Uribe. Lawyer and Member of the Governing Board of the Biscay Bar Association
Gema Tomás Martínez. Dean of Deusto Law School at the University of Deusto.
First panel: Between continuous diagnosis and improvised therapies: What lessons have we learned?
Manuel Velázquez Fernández. Labour and Social Security Inspector and Member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination.
Diagnosis of the situation, adapted measures and lessons learned:
Álvaro Iruin Sanz. Managing Director of the Mental Health Network of the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza) in Guipuzcoa
Psychosocial risk management during the pandemic and future perspectives:
Juan Carlos Fernández Arias. Psychologist. Presentation
The challenge of the pandemic for the Labour Inspectorate:
. Iciar González Carrasco. Deputy Director of the Basque Country Labour Inspectorate. Presentation
Second Panel: Challenges and issues once the pandemic is over
. Beatriz García Celaá. Social Magistrate and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination
Ethics, inequalities and pandemics:
. Coro Rubio Tejada. Psychologist and member of the Ethics and Social Intervention Committee (CEIS) of the Biscay Provincial Council
ILO plans on state regulation in the management of future pandemics:
Cristóbal Molina Navarrete. Professor of Labour Law and Social Security, Director of LARPSICO and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination. Presentation
Addressing the challenges of age and ageing, job insecurity and equality and diversity:
Manuel Velázquez Fernández. Labour and Social Security Inspector and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination. Presentation
Third panel: Emotional health and cyberpsychology: a proposal for practical experience
Cristóbal Molina Navarrete.Professor of Labour Law and Social Security, Director of LARPSICO and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination
Jagoba Gómez Alonso.Prevention Service of the San Prudencio Foundation
Marta González Pescador. PhD in Psychology, Clinical Psychology, External Consultant for Psicolan
Closing event
. Lourdes Iscar Reina. Director General of Osalan.
. Beatriz García Celaá. Social Magistrate and member of the Basque Observatory on Harassment and Discrimination.
20, 21 and 22 April 2021
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
The ILO: a sui generis International Organisation
Joaquín Nieto has been Director of the ILO Office in Spain since 2011. He has represented workers at the EU Environment Consultative Forum, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, UNEP and Climate Change Summits.
ILO Convention 190 and decent work
Natalia Díaz is Counsellor at the ILO Office in Spain. She has been a leading expert at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, Helsinki) and Advisor in the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Spanish Government.
The ILO and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
María Peñahora García Sanz is Counsellor at the ILO office for Spain and a career civil servant in the General State Administration, in the Senior Graduate Scale of the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work.
30 September and 1 October 2020
2nd International Technology and Work Workshop
The Workshop was held as part of a series of workshops, previously organised at the University of Castilla-La Mancha to address the impact of digitalisation in the field of labour, specifically in Labour Relations.
Conference opening
Felipe Gómez Isa: Vice Dean’s Office for International Relations University of Deusto
Mariola Serrano Argüeso. Vice-Dean’s Office for Academic Organisation and Academic Staff. University of Deusto
Ana Herrán Ortiz. Vice-Dean for Students, Research and Transfer. University of Deusto
Opening lecture: Health as a Fundamental Right in the Future of Work
Mª Luz Vega Ruiz: Coordinator of the ILO's Future of Work Initiative
International Experiences of Virtual Work
Esteban Martínez-García. lecturer, Free University of Brussels. Institute of Sociology. Member of Digital Work
Luciana Guaglianone. Professor of Labour Law at the University of Brescia. Member of Digital Work
Social Protection and the Challenge of the Technological Revolution
Mª Luz Rodríguez Fernández. Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the UCLM. Principal Investigator of Digital Work. Member of Digital Work
Francisco Miguel Ortiz González-Conde. Assistant Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the University of Murcia. Member of Digital Work
Job Profiles on Digital Platforms
Anabel Suso Araico. Director of Public Policy Innovation at Red2Red. Member of Digital Work
Albert Cañigueral. Founder-Connector OuShare Spain & LATAM. Member of Digital Work
Fundamental Workers' Rights in the Age of Technology and Covid (Gender and Data Protection)
Mariola Serrano Argüeso. Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the University of Deusto. Member of Digital Work
Ana I. Herrán Ortiz. Professor of Neuropsychology, University of Deusto. Member of Digital Work
Telework and Socially Responsible Forms of Governance in the Technological Transition
Eva Rimbau Gilabert. Associate Professor of Human Resources and Organisation at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Member of Digital Work
Irene Bajo García. Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Alicante. Member of Digital Work
Closing address: For a Public Administration up to the Challenge of the Technological Revolution
Juan Luis Manfredl. Professor of Journalism at the Castilla-La Mancha University