Double Degree in
Law + Labour Relations

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    Your first step into the world of work


    Internships will open the way to a professional future in which you will be able to work with ease and confidence thanks to your training in a company, law firm or institution and the advice of the Law School's Careers Guidance Service.

    +300Partner institutions

    8.2Level of student satisfaction

    Personalised attention

    Deusto Law School offers the service of a department exclusively dedicated to managing external internships. 

    We have a network of more than 300 partner firms, companies and institutions

    If you do not do either of the two pathways (Dual and International), your compulsory internship will be held in the 1st semester of the 5th year or the summer of the 4th year

    If you do theDual Pathway, internships are included and they will be recognised as part of the pathway itself.

    If you opt for the International Pathway, you will do your internship in the summer of 4th year. 

    The internships for the Double Bachelor's Degree in Law + Labour Relations are compulsory and are carried out under the supervision of a professional from the organisation and with the support of a lecturer from the Law School.

    una imagen

    En último curso yo y mis compañeros nos colegiamos en el Colegio de Graduados Sociales

    Andrea RuizGraduada en Derecho + RRLL
    una imagen

    Gracias a las prácticas ahora trabajo en el departamento de recursos humanos de Guardian Glass Services, en asesoramiento jurídico-laboral

    Bárbara MartínRecursos Humanos en Guardian Glass

    Where will you do your internship?

    Partner institutions

    Career opportunities


    • Companies
    • Law offices
    • Advisory services
    • Consultancies
    • Private administrative agencies
    • Trade unions
    • Business associations
    • Public Administration


    In addition to the job opportunities open to Law graduates, and those specific of the BA in Labour Relations you will be able to register to practise as a Social Graduate.


    • Occupational risk prevention
    • Labour dispute mediation
    • Human Resources
    • Legal and labour counselling
    • Social and labour compliance
    • Equality policies



    This Double Degree will also allow you to access traditional competitive exams related to Law (judicial and prosecution career, notaries and registry offices, experts in the various local governments…) and particularly those linked to the world of employment:

    • Labour inspector
    • Lawyer at the Social Security department
    • Basque Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (OSALAN) or the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSHT).

    En la crisis que estamos pasando es necesaria la actuación urgente de abogados laboralistas

    Blanca CamarónAbogada laboralista en la Confederación Empresarial de Bizkaia - CEBEK

    Webinars with industry experts

    Explore the world of Labour Relations