Double Degree in
BMA + Industrial Technologies Engineering

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    Industrial, profitable and sustainable decisions

    About the double bachelor’s degree

    The double degree in Business Management and Administration + Industrial Technology Engineering will allow you to develop a global and combined vision of the field of engineering and the business area. You will acquire the necessary skills to manage business projects with a strong technological content and you will be able to design and manage industrial processes. You will acquire advanced technical and business skills that will provide you with a highly sought-after versatile profile, which is especially in demand by high-tech companies.


    What will you learn?

    This double degree will enable you to effectively address the technical, organisational and managerial challenges of industrial and technological companies. You will develop an overview of industrial technologies and learn to integrate them with equipment, materials, management processes and people.


    If you are ...

    A person with an interest in technology and in learning how things work; if you are interested in the world of business and you see yourself in the futureleading departments,especially in the industrial sector; if you consider yourself an analytical person and you are stimulated to do creative things, then this degree is right for you.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Business Management and Administration + Industrial Technology Engineering

    • Duration/credits:

      5 years - 360 ECTS

    • Language

      Spanish - Basque - English

    • Number of places

      450 places available (250 in Bilbao + 200 in San Sebastian) distributed among all the BMA programmes

    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Application process open

    • Faculty:

      Deusto Business SchoolEngineering
    • Share:

    Saturday Open Day

    At the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses on February 15 from 10:00 to 14:00.

    University of Deusto

    The figures back us up

    100%Employment rate (class of 2023, within 3 months of graduation)

    2ndBest Spanish university in BMA (CyD Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo ranking, 2023)

    3%Among the world's top business schools (Shanghai Ranking, 2021)

    + 500Collaborating companies

    Diego Velasco and Inés Hidalgo videoIcono para el play del video

    In first person...

    More versatile and flexible profiles like this one, with a broad vision of technologies and the company, are increasingly in demand

    Double degree in BMA + Industrial Technology EngineeringDiego Velasco and Inés Hidalgo

    Fundación Vizcaína Aguirre - Deusto Business School scholarships

    Up to 100% of tuition fees and accommodation costs.

    For BMA studies at the Bilbao campus. 

    Open your eyes to the world

    Build your international profile

    A wide range of subjects in English and Basque to help you choose your language path.

    You can also study a full semester at a foreign university. Choose your destination from more than 100 universities worldwide. 

    An opportunity to share experiences with students from all over the world. You will enjoy an international classroom environment right from your first year.


    A practical and dynamic methodology

    We prepare you for your future career


    Learning by doing

    You will combine theory classes with case studies, oral presentations, debates, moot court simulations, management simulators and company visits. You will develop skills such as teamwork, decision-making and leadership, based on values such as sustainability, ethical commitment and responsibility.  


    Laboratory analysis

    In the industrial laboratories, equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, you will carry out projects and teamwork to develop your ideas, creativity and problem-solving skills for the problems you will encounter in industry later on.


    Guaranteed internships

    You will have your first professional experience before finishing your double degree programme. Internships are compulsory and are managed by the university. In addition, you will participate in job search seminars to help you face the world of work. 


    Direct connection with companies

    You will be able to face real cases and problems of today's society that different company managers will bring to the classroom, attend job fairs and training seminars or participate in selection processes. You will learn first-hand about the needs of the business and legal environment.  


    Student entrepreneurship

    Through partnerships created and led by students, you will build on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and immerse yourself in the entrepreneurial culture. Deusto Consulting Club, Deusto Investment Club, Deusto Moto Team, Lagunarte...


    Discover the Deusto Engineering laboratoriesIcono para el play del video

    Discover the Deusto Engineering laboratories

    More than 50% of the studies are conducted in laboratories equipped with tools and equipment used by industry and technology leaders

    Deusto Engineering LaboratoriesThis is an express visit to our laboratories. Find out all about them and come and meet us.

    Our students tell you about it

    In first person

    Business Administration and Management + Industrial Technology Engineering

    The tutors are always available when we need them and are very supportive and reassuring throughout our university life.

    Diego Velasco

    Contact with businesses


    We have held several seminars with companies such as Fineco or Idom, which have allowed us to discover how and with what tools they work on a daily basis.

    Triana Anasagasti

    Contact with companies


    I recommend this degree to people who are curious and willing to work in a team. Personally, I have enjoyed subjects such as strategy and control systems.

    Guillermo Ander Dorronsoro



    The classes are very practical. For example, at Operational Marketing we created an application for Oxfam and it was very exciting. In addition, I would highlight the university life as there are many activities beyond the classes.

    Rocio Camara

    Practical classes


    We complement the technical knowledge of industrial engineering with the world of business management, thus achieving a very complete and sought-after profile.

    Ignacio Arriola

    A versatile profile


    To take this degree you need to be hard-working, persevering and curious, interested in how the world works and how to change it for the better.

    Pello López de Munain

    Improving our society


    It requires extra time and work, but there is always time to spare. I participate in university associations and give private lessons.

    Marta Llovio

    The importance of getting organised

    associationsIcono para el play del video

    We learn to work as a team and to manage problems; although we have the support of the university, the ultimate responsibility is ours.

    Deusto Business SchoolStudent associations

    Entry requirements

    Baccalaureate - Mathematics

    Applicants need to be studying Baccalaureate or equivalent studies in any of its pathways, except Arts. It is also compulsory to complete the Mathematics subjects indicated for the educational pathway concerned in the two years of the Baccalaureate studies.

    Average mark of notable

    Experience tells us that to access the Business Administration studies, it is necessary to have an average mark of Notable (7) or higher in 1st year Baccalaureate studies.

    B2 English

    Applicants must also provide proof of having a B2 level in English by submitting an external certificate (First Certificate, Linguaskill, APTIS...).

    In addition, in order to obtain the degree in BMA, before completing your studies, you will need to accredit a C1 level of English.






    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.


    Enjoy Deusto

    Enjoy the university experience with Deusto Campus

    Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities

    Contact us


    Contact us


    Bilbao Campus: 
    Avda. Universidades 24 48007 Bilbao

    Contact person:
    944 139



    Business Management and Administration + Industrial Technology Engineering

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