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In a constantly evolving work environment, business and ICT are becoming increasingly intertwined. Now more than ever business innovations go hand in hand with technological development, generating new business models and competitive elements. This double degree in Business Management and Administration + Computer Engineering will prepare you to manage business projects and master Information and Communication Technologies to enable companies to respond to and anticipate the challenges of the information society.
With this double degree you will learn to create, lead and manage business projects in a committed, responsible and ethical manner. Furthermore, you will discover how to design and develop software and how to manage policies and technologies in networks and information systems. You will be able to enhance and integrate the use of ICT in business management.
A person who is interested in the technological world and likes computer science and ICT; if you are attracted to economics and business management; if you consider yourself a person with initiative and analytical skills, then this is the right degree for you.
San Sebastian Campus
Business Management & Administration + Computer Engineering
5 years - 354 ECTS
Spanish - Basque - English
450 places available (250 in Bilbao + 200 in San Sebastian) distributed among all the BMA programmes
On campus
Application process closed
A wide range of subjects in English and Basque to help you choose your language path.
You can also study a full semester at a foreign university. Choose your destination from more than 100 universities worldwide.
An opportunity to share experiences with students from all over the world. You will enjoy an international classroom environment right from your first year.
You will combine theory classes with case studies, oral presentations, debates, moot court simulations, management simulators and company visits. You will develop skills such as teamwork, decision-making and leadership, based on values such as sustainability, ethical commitment and responsibility.
You will have your first professional experience before finishing your double degree programme. Internships are compulsory and are managed by the university. In addition, you will participate in job search seminars to help you face the world of work.
You will be able to face real cases and problems of today's society that different company managers will bring to the classroom, attend job fairs and training seminars or participate in selection processes. You will learn first-hand about the needs of the business environment.
Through partnerships created and led by students, you will build on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and immerse yourself in the entrepreneurial culture. ESME Junior Company, Innogune...
Applicants need to be currently enrolled in Baccalaureate or equivalent studies in any of its pathways, except Arts. It is also compulsory to complete the Mathematics subjects indicated for the educational pathway concerned in the two years of the Baccalaureate studies.
Experience tells us that to access the Business Administration studies, it is necessary to have an average mark of Notable (7) or higher in 1st year Baccalaureate studies.
Applicants must also provide proof of having a B2 level in English by submitting an external certificate (First Certificate, Linguaskill, APTIS...).
In addition, in order to obtain the bachelor´s degree in BMA, before completing your studies, you will need to accredit a C1 level of English.
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