Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering+Video games, Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Research, create, take on new challenges

    About the Bachelor’s degree

    The companies that are transforming the world are in the ITsector: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Apple, Microsoft...

    Do you want to learn how to apply computer science to provide solutions for people or to design and build the information systems of the future?

    If you are passionate about new Information and Communication Technologies and research, create, face new challenges...  then the world of IT is your pathway.  


    Course content

    Learn how to integrate digital technologies into company processes and build new business models.


    Designed for

    Those passionate about New Information and Communication Technologies, who seek to offer technological solutions to society



    In your second year of study you will be able to participate in research teams at DeustoTech with a paid grant


    Most in-demand jobs

    Computer Engineering is the most in-demand profession in the last 4 years (

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

      San Sebastian Campus

    • Programme name:

      Computer Engineering

    • Duration/credits:

      4 years - 240 ECTS

    • Combinations:

      + Videojuegos, Realidad Virtual y Aumentada

    • Language

      Spanish - Basque - English

    • Number of places


    • Application process:

    • Faculty:

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    Find out about Deusto degree programmes

    Complement your Bachelor’s degree with...

    Videogames, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

    Choose this option if ...

    You are interested in building your own worlds and characters to create interactive digital experiences, integrating artificial intelligence, virtual reality,...

    Further information

    Would you like to face new challenges?Why choose this degree?


    Learning by doing. Through internships, projects and real business cases, teamwork... You will also have the opportunity to learn first-hand about real-life business cases taught by professionals in the classroom.

    Advanced computing laboratory

    It is equipped with 56 computers and double screens with higher performance than conventional ones. In addition, we have 10 programming laboratories with a total of 400 PCs for teamwork.

    Leading digital transformation

    You will learn to lead and manage technical and business projects linked to ICT and successfully perform a wide range of tasks in very diverse sectors, a versatility that is highly appreciated by employers.

    Everyday computing

    It offers technological solutions to society and develops products and systems that improve our daily lives in areas such as health, tourism and transport, among others.

    Round off your education with the master's degree

    The comprehensive Bachelor's + Master's programme offers a wide range of professional competences. At Deusto you will be able to study the entire educational cycle: the Bachelor's Degree in 4 years and the Master's Degree in Computing and Intelligent Systems in 1 year.

    Ranked 3rd university in Spain for Computer Engineering (U-Multirank, 2019)



    Information technologies

    The world’s top 10 companies Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, are Tech companies (Las empresas más valiosas del mundo - 2021, FXSSI)


    High demand for engineers

    There is a growing demand for highly skilled engineers for new 21st century developments with high added value.


    Facts about the professions of the future

    1,250,000 tech jobs will be created in Spain in the following years, according to Randstad Research


    What profiles are companies looking for?

    There is a growing need for profiles to fill new jobs in areas such as internet development, data science and AI and robotics


    What professional profile do companies need?

    Cloud computing, big data, social networks, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, augmented reality, mobility... are all trends for tech firms to exploit 

    Our students tell you about it

    In first person...

    Ainara Tellechea

    The atmosphere at the university is warm and welcoming, and in general, calm. We have a pleasant and harmonious relationship with classmates from my degree and other degrees, as well as with the professors.

    Ainara Tellechea

    Computer Engineering


    It is a very practical career and you always have the necessary tools available for any job or project

    Daphne Aberasturi



    I've always liked to tinker, to investigate, to see circuits... and I had it clear in my mind. From the beginning you feel that you are more than just a number, the lecturers care about you and are willing to help

    Maria Aldama



    The university attaches great importance to employability and it offers internships with the option to stay afterwards.

    Kevin Cifuentes



    DeustoTech has allowed me to put everything I have learnt into practice. There is nothing like developing a project that will be used by real users

    Aitor Brazaola



    Theoretical knowledge is key, but it is in the laboratories that we discover how to apply theory to practical cases. You have the option to create, design...

    Itziar Losa

    Faculty of Engineering

    Discover our students’ experience

    What are our students’ career paths?

    Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, software development...

    Find out more in these short videos

    Still having doubts?

    How do I know this degree is for me?

    Candidate profile

    Candidates should have acquired the competences required for Spanish baccalaureate studies.

    An interest in new technologies (robotics, automation, electronics, programming, communications, etc.) and their application in today's world.

    A capacity for work, continuously striving to achieve the goals set and the ability to work under pressure at certain times.

    An interest in working in laboratories, handling electronic instrumentation and creating new devices.

    An adequate level of self-knowledge, maturity and the ability to form inter-professional relationships.

    A committed attitude to the teaching-learning process, in an environment of continuous assessment.

    A vocation for service to society and a commitment to upholding the basic rights and values of a culture of peace and democracy.







    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant aid. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.


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    Computer Engineering

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