Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering

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    A holistic view of industry processes and organisation

    About the Bachelor’s degree

    ¿Do you want to be part of the new revolution in the sector that generates most jobs and is most stable? Then, we recommend this degree that will give you a complete overview of all industrial technologies, from mechanics to electronics and automation, including electrical technology and not forgetting aspects of industrial organisation.

    The broadest and most comprehensive training in industrial technologies and the ability to design, build and manage all types of industrial installations, systems and mechanisms.


    A holistic view

    A holistic view of the processes and organisation of an industry and the ability to join teams or lead projects or departments.


    Multiple specialisations

    You will be able to choose from multiple specialisations such as automotive, manufacturing, energy or new materials, without compromising general training. 



    100% of our students do internships Agreements with more than 125 companies in the engineering sector 


    Great prestige

    A highly prestigious degree programme in the industrial sector and highly valued in the national labour market. The Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering is the first technical degree with the most professional opportunities at a national level, according to the Adecco 2019 report.


    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Industrial Technology Engineering

    • Duration/credits:

      4 years - 240 ECTS

    • Language

      Spanish - Basque - English

    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

    • Additional information:

      Possibility of an international double master's degree

    • Faculty:

    • Share:

    Saturday Open Day

    At the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses on February 15 from 10:00 to 14:00.

    Industrial Engineering, 2nd degree with the highest number of hires in Spain (Ranking Fundación Everis)Why choose this Bachelor’s degree

    What does this degree offer me?

    It will enable you to adapt to any sector by finding the solution to the different problems that arise in terms of technology, economics and management.

    Full cycle: Bachelor’+ master’s degree programmes

    You can also complete your training with the Master's degree in Industrial Engineering lasting 1.5 years. The full Bachelor's + Master's degree programme qualifies you for the legally regulated profession of industrial engineer.

    What kind of training does it offer?

    An exceptional practical training achieved in the laboratories where you will have the opportunity to experiment. 

    A bilingual education: Spanish-English

    You can opt to earn over 40% of the programme credits in English. Once you successfully complete your degree, you will have the opportunity to certify your language skills. An international profile

    International Double Master's Degree

    This international pathway gives you the opportunity to gain two master's degrees from two different universities in different countries in half the time, linking it with the final year of your bachelor's degree.

    A multidispciplinary profile

    Very practical, dynamic and participative methodology. Develop your professional and personal skills in DeustoTech, Deusto Moto Team and/or in the university-business classrooms. You will be able to carry out different real projects.



    Career opportunities

    Increased demand is estimated for automation, robotics and electronics and innovation profiles, as well as those combined with process optimisation and quality(Labour Market Guide, HAYS, 2019)


    High demand for engineers

    There is a growing demand for highly skilled engineers for new 21st century developments with high added value. Especially in highly industrialised regions.


    Facts about the professions of the future

    1,250,000 tech jobs will be created in Spain by 2022, according to Randstad Research


    Industria 4.0

    The Basque Government is committed to the incorporation of intelligence systems in production means and systems. That is why it has developed a specific Basque Industry 4.0 strategy. 


    What professional profile do companies need?

    Data Analytics, cloud computing, big data, social networks, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, mobility... are all trends for tech firms to exploit 

    Our students tell you about it

    In first person

     ITI Testimonial

    It’s for people who like technology, industry, physics... It's a good option because it allows you to get to know the whole industrial sector.

    Patricia Ilarduya


     Te tiene que gustar trastear entre las máquinas, tener interés por la mecánica y la eléctrica. En Deusto podemos hacer el máster aquí y además combinarlo con el de Ingeniería de Automoción en solo dos años

    Para quién le guste trastear con máquinas y con interés por la mecánica y eléctrica. Aquí podemos cursar el máster e incluso combinarlo con el de Automoción en solo 2 años

    Alain Fernández



    The university attaches great importance to employability and it offers internships with the option to stay afterwards.

    Kevin Cifuentes



    Theoretical knowledge is key, but it is in the laboratories that we discover how to apply theory to practical cases. You have the option to create, design...

    Itziar Losa

    Faculty of Engineering


    DeustoTech has allowed me to put everything I have learnt into practice. There is nothing like developing a project that will be used by real users

    Aitor Brazaola


    Find out more about the Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering

    Find out more...

    We tell you about our students’ experience

    What do our students do?

    Energy, electricity, overall view, production processes...

    How do I know if this degree is for me?

    Candidate profile

    Candidates should have acquired the competences required for Spanish baccalaureate studies, preferable in the technological branch.

    Interest in new technologies (robotics, automation, electronics, programming, communications, etc.) and their application in today's world.

    A capacity for work, continuously striving to achieve the goals set and the ability to work under pressure at certain times.

    An interest in working in laboratories, handling electronic instrumentation and creating new devices.

    An adequate level of self-knowledge, maturity and the ability to form interprofessional relationships.

    A committed attitude to the teaching-learning process, in an environment of continuous assessment.

    A vocation for service to society and a commitment to upholding the basic rights and values of a culture of peace and democracy,







    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant aid. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.


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    The EUR-ACE® Label for Engineering degree programmes

    Quality label


    The EUR-ACE® Label for Engineering degree programmes

    Quality label

    This certificate is awarded by an agency authorised by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to a university for Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes in Engineering. They are evaluated according to a set of defined standards, in accordance with the principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition and mobility envisaged in the European Higher Education Area.

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    Industrial Technology Engineering

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