Double Bachelor´s degree in Basque Language and Culture + Modern LanguagesMention in English Studies

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    Basque and English, a local focus and an international scope

    About the Double Bachelor’s degree

    Would you like to master your oral and written skills in Basque and English? Reflect on the situation of Basque culture in the midst of globalisation? Get involved in the normalisation process of Basque language? Improve your writing, translating and proofreading skills? Teach languages to adult learners? Be a teacher in Secondary and Baccalaureate Education and Official Language Schools in the future? Master the use of languages in the digital environment? Enjoy the linguistic diversity of Basque and English?

    If so, then this double degree is right for you!



    Deusto is the only university that offers a double bachelor’s degree in Euskal Hizkuntza eta Kultura and Modern Languages: English Studies

    These studies will enhance and fast-track your employability in the fields of language teaching, translation and planning.


    Multilingual professionals

    This degree aims to provide you with advanced skills in Basque and English so that you can enter the local or international job market.

    You will reach an advanced level in English and Basque, as well as a good grounding in another foreign language such as German, French, Chinese or Arabic. 



    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Basque Language and Culture + Modern Languages

    • Duration/credits:

      5 years - 336 ECTS

    • Language

      Spanish - Basque - English

    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Admission process open: 10/01/2025-18/02/2025

    • Faculty:

      Social and Human Sciences
    • Share:

    Saturday Open Day

    At the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses on February 15 from 10:00 to 14:00.

    The figures behind our university

    +130Years of experience

    Since 1886 adapting to new professional profiles.

    Year 4 and 5Internships are guaranteed

    You will undertake a compulsory internship in a company or institution.

    100 %International Programme

    You will have the opportunity to study at another international university for one or two semesters.

    13 %International students

    This provides an ideal environment for culture and language exchange.

    grants and student finance


    grants and student finance

    If you choose to pursue your studies at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. Find out about the entry requirements and the grants promoted by other organisations.


    Student finance

    Enjoy Deusto

    Enjoy the university experience with Deusto Campus

    Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities

    Contact us


    Contact us


    Campus Bilbao: 
    Avenida de las Universidades 24, 48007 Bilbao

    Contact us:

    944 139 063