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Social Education seeks to improve society through an educational approach. To this end, social educators carry out a variety of tasks:
Therefore, this degree will equip you to work in education with people of all ages and social environments, fostering their personal and community development, independence, integration, better quality of life and social justice.
This degree is ranked among Spain’s top three according to EL MUNDO ranking.
You will be able to take the necessary credits in Basque to obtain the Basque language profile C1 accreditation by the Basque Government(BOPV - Decree 47/2012).
An extensive and consolidated internship programme in more than 50 benchmark centres.
A wide range of postgraduate courses to further your education.
Bilbao Campus
Social Education
4 years - 240 ECTS
Spanish - Basque
80 places
On campus
Admission process open
At the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses on February 15 from 10:00 to 14:00.
A vocation for service to society and a commitment to upholding the basic rights and values of a culture of peace and democracy,
You can make a sustained effort and have a tolerance for stress at certain times.
You are a mature person with a capacity for interprofessional relationships.
You have the competences required for the Spanish baccalaureate level, and you are committed to the teaching-learning process.
One of the University’s key objectives is that students learn by doing. Therefore, at Deusto you will study following our own learning model where you will play the leading role. You will focus on experiential context, reflective observation, conceptualisation, active experimentation and assessment.
In your3rd year, either for one semester or a full academic year, you will have the opportunity to get to know another social education learning context thanks to our exchange programmes with leading Spanish and European universities.
You can take the entire degree in Spanish but, if you wish, you have the option of taking subjects in Basque. You may opt for:
-Bachelor’s degree in Social Education (Basque/Spanish bilingual programme): If you study at least 40% of the credits in Basque, and you can prove that you have a C1 level.
- Take 60% or more of the subjects in Basque. You will automatically obtain recognition of the C1 language profile(BOPV - Decree 47/2012).
You can also study some subjects in English.
You will find a close learning environment and personal tutoring from first to fourth year of study. Your tutor will guide you academically, personally and/or professionally. In addition, you will have a teaching team ready to guide you in any questions you may have throughout your studies.
In 3rdº and 4thº years you will do an external internship, where you will have the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learnt. A tailor-made tutoring plan that you will carry out in leading organisations in the social field.
You will be able to further your education and open new career prospects thanks to the wide range of postgraduate courses in the field on offer at the University of Deusto. You can specialise in gerontology, disability, drug addiction...
At Deusto we learn how to carry out an intervention with different groups and we are also trained as individuals.
Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities
If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant programme. We will give you information about the entry requirements and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.
To find out if you are eligible for a grant for your degree studies, we provide you with a grant simulator, which will allow you to find out if you meet the academic requirements to obtain a grant.
Universidad de Deusto / Deustuko Unibertsitatea
Avda. Universidades 24. 48007 Bilbao
Tel. 944 139 203