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The Medicine Degree at the University of Deusto is a highly regarded programme that is both essential and innovative, with a strong focus on person-centred care.
These studies are rooted in a commitment to serving the society we are part of, preparinghighly qualifiedmedical professionals to integrate their scientific and research capabilities with their professional expertise and a humanistic approach.
We advocate for person-centred medicine, which means treating individuals rather than just the illness. It is essential tolisten to patientsand allow them to express their concerns and ask their questions. In medicine, humanism is paramount.
You will learn using theProblem-Based Learning (PBL) methodology, as pioneered by the innovative McMaster University in Canada, which consistently ranks among the top in Medicine, thus revolutionising medical education worldwide.
Bilbao Campus
6 years - 360 ECTS
Spanish - Basque - English
80 places
Full time taught course
Admission process closed
Students are required to have full availability, mornings and afternoons.
Thanks to the PBL methodology I am more autonomous, I manage my time better and I work better in a team.
The new DeustoBio facilities house Physiology and Biomechanics laboratories , a Virtual Hospital for simulation practice, two skills rooms, four consulting rooms, a ward room, intensive care unit(ICU), operating theatre and debriefing rooms.
The University of Deusto has more than 40 years’ experience in the field of Health Sciences with the implementation of Psychologydegree programmes.
It has 34 research teams, 19 of them recognised as excellent by the Basque Government
Subjects will be taught in Spanish, English and Basque (optional).
If you choose Basque, you will have the necessary number of credits to obtain the recognition of the C1 language profile.
In 1st and 2nd years, you will have pre-clinical laboratory practice, with patients and simulation exercises in the Virtual Hospital.
From 3rd to 6th years, you will carry out clinical practice with patients in real-life settings.
You will have a tutor who will advise you on academic, personal and professional aspects.
You will have the University Orientation Service (SOU) available to you. This service aims to support and assist you in making decisions that affect your academic performance and personal well being.
In 4th year, you will be able to access an international mobility experience for one academic semester.
You will develop key competences for the work of future medical graduates.
The curriculum has been designed to make you feel useful from day one, as a developing doctor. In addition to acquiring knowledge, you will develop communication and teamwork skills. You will learn most of the theoretical content in small groups with a teacher-facilitator.
Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities
If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant programme. We will give you information about the entry requirements and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.
To find out if you are eligible for a grant for your degree studies, we provide you with a grant simulator, which will allow you to find out if you meet the academic requirements to obtain a grant.
Universidad de Deusto / University of Deusto
Avda. Universidades 24. 48007 Bilbao
Tel. 944 139 203