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¿Would you like to master the oral and written use of Basque, reflect on its situation in a globalised world and play an active role in its linguistic standardisation process? If you also want to be fluent in English, prepare yourself for writing, translating and proofreading texts and you are interested in the professional use of the language in the digital environment… ¡This is the degree for you!
In this degree programme, you will learn…
to design plans for the linguistic standardisation of Basque language.
tools for teaching Basque and other languages.
to translate between Basque and Spanish, and to identify and analyse complex linguistic elements.
that languages and cultures can be tools for building more equal relations between different genders and social groups.
Bilbao Campus
Basque Language and Culture
4 years - 240 ECTS
Spanish - Basque - English
On campus
Admission process closed
According to the latest study on entry into the labour market. Lanbide 2018.
You will do a compulsory internship at a company or institution.
You will do a compulsory internship at a company or institution.
Since 1976 adapting to new professional profiles.
Being able to always count on a tutor gives us security, and Alud platform to communicate between lecturers and students is a great advantage.
It is an excellent degree for those who want to work in teaching or translation, as these two aspects are worked on in depth.
Through different subjects, Basque culture is interrelated with different cultures and literatures from other places.
If you choose to pursue your studies at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grants programme. Find out about the entry requirements and the grants promoted by other organisations.
Faith, solidarity, culture and sports activities