Teaching Staff Training Master's degree in compulsory secondary education, upper secondary education, vocational training and language teaching.

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    About the Master’s degree

    This master’s degree will allow you to develop the professional skills necessary to carry out the tasks that a teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching must perform.

    The 2013-14 academic year also saw the implementation of the renewed  “Educational Guidance”specialisation , which, with its own syllabus, aims to train future secondary school guidance counsellors. 


    Active methodology

    A programme for the development of teaching and guidance competences, with an active methodology based on the UD teaching-learning model



    Teaching practice in public, private and subsidised private centres in order to approach the educational reality by applying the teaching and guidance competences developed.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

      San Sebastian Campus

    • Programme name:

      Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching

    • Duration/credits:

      60 ECTS

    • Language


    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Admission process open

    • Faculty:

      Education and Sport
    • Share:

    2025-2026 ACADEMIC YEAR

    Applications are now open

    The admission process for the 2025-26 academic year is now open

    Aim of the Master’s programme

    Develop the professional skills necessary to carry out the tasks that a teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching must perform.

    Provide students with the pedagogical knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to plan teaching and learning processes , implement them in educational centres and classrooms, and evaluate them; and tocoordinate their teaching activity with other members that make up the Educational Community (teaching staff, families, students and their social environment).

    Enable students to carry out their professional work guided by respect for fundamental rights, democratic values and the culture of peace, and by a belief in equal opportunities for men and women, and for people with disabilities.


    Educate in values to enhance students’ all-round education  and with ethical criteria that promote the responsible performance of teaching functions.


    Why study at Deusto?

    7 reasons to choose us


    Since 1970

    Since 1970, you need to hold a Teaching Training Certificate (CAP) to work as a Secondary Education teacher. Social and legislative changes, both in university and non-university education, and the current educational scenario, demanded a different approach in the initial training of secondary education teachers.


    New educational models

    This new social and educational scenario demands professionals who, in addition to teaching a specific subject, can also address, various educational tasks related, for example, to diversity, effective communication, coexistence, multiculturalism, new technologies, tutoring and guidance, conflict resolution, social skills or emotional education.


    17 years of experience

    In the 2025-26 academic year, the Master’s programme will have been run at the Bilbao Campus for 17 years now, and at the San Sebastian Campus for 15 years.


    More than 400 students

    In previous years, more than 400 students from different backgrounds and specialities passed through the programme, and all of them have contributed to the development and continuous updating of a Master's degree that we hope to improve together.

    Testimonials Master’s degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Bilbao) at the University of Deusto

    I knew how to teach English, but the Master’s has taught me how to be a teacher.

    Ane JauregiStudent on the Master’s degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching


    See information

    *As the admission process involves two administrative phases, we cannot ensure that vacancies for all specialisations will be available during the second phase.



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    Academic regulations

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    To improve our services and activities






    If you are going to study at the University of Deusto, you can benefit from our grant programme. We will give you information about the eligibility criteria and the range of grants promoted by other organisations.

    Grants and scholarships


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