Bachelor's degree in Law+ SPECIALISM IN ECONOMY
+ Legal Tech (ict specialism)
+ Skills for International Lawyers
+ Double International Programme

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    Bachelor’s Degree + Deusto degree (4 years)

    Law + Specialisation in Legal Tech

    Who is liable for a self-driving car accident? What liability do sharing economy platforms such as AirBnB or Uber have for users’ interaction with each other? Does our company comply with all legal requirements on data protection in order not to be fined or penalised? The Specialisation in Legal Tech, taught at the Bilbao Campus, answers all these questions. 

    New legal dilemmas have emerged and are increasing every day due to digital transformation. For this reason, today's society requires legal experts specialised in the digital sphere.


    Saturday Open Day

    At the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses on February 15 from 10:00 to 14:00.

    About the Specialisation

    This specialisation will give you a deeper understanding of Information and Communication Technology Law, which is necessary for resolving conflicts in digital environments. In this way, you will obtain a cutting-edge legal and technological profile that is highly accepted by companies. 

    How all matters related to intellectual property, image rights, cybercrime, etc. are dealt with... And you are also curious about the problems hidden in social media and digital platforms.

    Legal departments of companies in the audiovisual and telecommunications sector, law firms (as a specialist for clients in the new technologies area), new technology consultancies... 

    In the areas of social media, eCommerce, data protection, big data, e-procurement, crowdfunding, cybercrime or cloud computing.


    What will you learn?

    Digital legal tools

    You will have access to digital legal databases of important providers of these services such as Wolters-Kluwer.


    ICT regulations

    You will develop and study an ICT vision of specific regulations such as data protection, e-commerce or intellectual and industrial property.

    Advising clients on digital matters

    This degree will provide you with specific skills that can later be used in a professional advisory service to clients.

    Estudiante de Derecho + Especialidad TIC

    En clase vemos casos sobre Facebook, Netflix, Youtube, UBER... nos preparamos para nuevos problemas

    Derecho + Legal Tech. Premio Juan de Churruca por su TFG (2020)Josu Eguiluz
    Profesora de Derecho de las TelecomunicacionesIcono para el play del video

    Se trata de afrontar los nuevos retos jurídicos que supone el entorno digital

    Profesora de Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones
    Gerente de la Asesoría Jurídica Euskaltel
    Cristina Sustacha

    Ganadores del "Young Excellence Challenge"


    Ganadores del "Young Excellence Challenge"

    Los estudiantes Enrique de Umaran (Derecho + Legal Tech), Elena Unceta-Barrenechea (Derecho) y Ander Luque (Derecho + Legal Tech) de la Facultad de Derecho han obtenido el primer puesto en el concurso "The Young Excellence Challenge" (edición 2021) organizado por el Centro Garrigues. El certamen consistió en realizar un trabajo de investigación bajo la temática del Derecho y las Nuevas Tecnologías. El trabajo de nuestros estudiantes trataba sobre "La incorporación de las Nuevas Tecnologías en las juntas generales de las sociedades de capital".

    Get ready to...

    behind computer networks. This will allow you to better understand how they work and, above all, their capabilities, avoiding common mistakes.

    in communications to really understand how they can and cannot be breached

    to understand the capabilities and limitations of different devices with computational capabilities.

    with a solid legal background while at the same time being able to deal with complex issues linked to the technological world, such as intellectual property in the internet environment, contracting problems in the telecommunications sector, queries about online advertising and its contracting or responsibilities, or about the rights of online consumers. 
