Bachelor's degree in Law+ SPECIALISM IN ECONOMY
+ Legal Tech (ict specialism)
+ Skills for International Lawyers
+ Double International Programme

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    Bachelor’s Degree + Deusto degree (4 years)

    Law + Specialisation in Economics

    Complements your Law degree with this specialisation taught at the Bilbao Campus and divided into two modules:






    You will be able to manage a company or organisation and its different areas(people management, financial management, strategic management), analyse its situation as well as financial operations and investment profitability.


    Economic Environment

    You will be able to interpret the national, European and global economic environment, its challenges and influence on decision-making (international trade, investments, climate change, etc.). Law firms specialising in business, taxation and international law appreciate the added value of the Specialisation in Economics.

    About the Specialisation

    You will specialise in the field of economics and business, which is closely related to law, by taking a small increase in the course load (48 ECTS credits spread over the four years of the degree). This Deusto specialisation diploma in Economics is in great demand by students and companies, who are looking for professionals with a mixed legal and economic profile.

    How organisations, companies and the international economic environment work and you see yourself not only as a lawyer, but also as a manager in a business, non-governmental, political or economic organisation.

    This specialisation prepares you to access different areas of the company such as human resourcesfinancial areaaccounting arealegal advicequality departmentmarketing departmentlogistics departmentconsultancy, etc.

    All this with a managerial profile (a lawyer who studies people management, strategic management, financial management...) and who combines legal knowledge with an understanding of the economic and business environment.


    What will you learn?

    Interpreting economic data

    You will be prepared to decide which data are relevant and interpret them properly, which is essential for decision making. For example, knowing what data to use in legal proceedings, to analyse a company's situation or to make decisions regarding investments or financial markets.

    Understanding business structures

    This competence will enable you to work in the world of business and learn which area to address and how it works. Above all, it is aimed at enabling you to manage tasks within a company and organise work teams.

    Managing and leading

    The competences developed in the various management areas will enable you not only to lead different functional areas of a company, but also to lead teams in institutions, law firms or your own business as an entrepreneur.

    75 años formando abogados economistas

    Los-as llamados “abogados-as/economistas” de Deusto han formado parte de grandes y pequeños bufetes, consultoras y empresas, entidades de economía social, banca, tribunales, instituciones del Gobierno del Estado, Gobierno Vasco, Unión Europea, ONGs internacionales,..

    Las egresadas-os de esta titulación constituyen toda una red de profesionales cualificadas-os que ejercen diversas profesiones conectadas con el Derecho, la Economía o la Empresa, u otros campos, aprovechando el potencial de la formación multidisciplinar recibida para ofrecer soluciones más amplias y creativas.

    Hace 75 años fue una titulación pionera. Y hoy continúa siendo innovadora tanto en su metodología docente como en sus contenidos, destinados a preparar profesionales para los retos del Derecho y la Economía del futuro, como la transformación verde y digital de nuestras empresas y una sociedad más inclusiva.

    From 1946 to the present

    Celebración del 75 aniversario


    Celebración del 75 aniversario

    Estudiantes, profesorado y alumni de la Especialidad económica de la Facultad de Derecho se reunió el 25 de noviembre en un acto para celebrar el 75 aniversario de este icónico Diploma. 

    En el evento contamos con Ana Otadui, Presidenta de las Juntas Generales de Bizkaia, Emilio Olabarria, Asesor del Gobierno Vasco y José Manuel Albares, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación.

    Más información


    Alumni of the Specialism in Economy

    Former students

    Derecho + Especialidad Económica

    Desde la economía se entienden mejor la finalidad y necesidades de muchas normas

    Profesora de la Facultad de Derecho y Directora de la Especialidad EconómicaLaura Gómez
    Derecho + Especialidad Económica

    Esta especialidad permite desarrollar carreras profesionales en puestos de alta dirección

    Profesor de la Facultad de DerechoIñaki Azua

    Out of campus

    Actions +

    Throughout this specialisation, you will carry out off-campus activities, visiting companies, NGOs and institutions in our environment and attending specific training sessions on the international market, the financial market, development by external company managers, stock exchange and project finance.


    You will learn to take personal and group responsibilities


    You will learn management skills in a practical way