Faculty of Social and Human SciencesWho are we?

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About us

A leading and innovative Faculty in the development of areas of knowledge in the Social and Human Sciences today, our commitment is:

Social development, international studies and humanism

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences focuses on the impact that the transformations and changes our time have on people, their lives and cultures; the human face of globalisation, innovation, development, technological change...


A wide range of undergraduate, master's and doctoral programmes aimed at providing highly qualified professionals and responding to the real needs of society and the demands of a dynamic labour market.

Research and Transfer

Our high-performing research groups generate new knowledge and transfer that knowledge to society.

Social Responsibility

A Faculty committed to the concerns of the citizens of the 21st century and to the exercise of the University's social responsibility.

A global Faculty

Our Faculty is deeply rooted in the Basque Country and firmly committed to internationalisation, offering a wide range of subjects in Spanish, Basque, English and the possibility of studying other international languages (French, German, Chinese or Arabic).

Bilbao and San Sebastian

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences carries out its activities on the Bilbao and San Sebastian campuses, and it has its own range of studies and programme of activities on each campus.


We promote multilingual teaching and learning (in Spanish, Basque and English), with a variable distribution of credits taught in one or other language. The aim is to ensure that students reach competent levels in the language, enabling them to practise their professions in globalised local job contexts.

History of the Faculty

Our structure

There are four units that encourage interdisciplinary research, as well as knowledge transfer, continuing education, and postgraduate and PhD projects related to their research areas.

Five departments - with their respective sections according to the programmes taught-, that focus mainly on Bachelor’s degree programmes, and the research associated to the areas of knowledge of those programmes.

  • Communication Department (San Sebastian campus)
  • Department of International Relations and Humanities (Bilbao campus)
  • Department of Modern Languages and Basque Studies (Bilbao campus): Modern Languages area and Basque Studies area.
  • Department of Social Work and Sociology: Social Work area (Bilbao campus) and Social Work area (San Sebastian campus)
  • Tourism Department: Tourism area (Bilbao campus) and Tourism area (San Sebastian campus)

The Language Centre has four sections: 

  • Foreign languages
  • Euskal Iralaslegoa
  • CIDE - International Spanish Centre
  • Translation and Language Support 

A tradition of innovation: degrees and curricula are constantly being updated and adapted.

What makes us different?


Social recognition


A commitment to internationalisation


A multilingual, multicultural and technologically advanced environment.


Our social commitment