Faculty of Social and Human SciencesBusiness

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Enhancing the value of academic skills and knowledge

Internships provide students with an insight into the working methodology appropriate to the professional reality in which they will have to work, contrasting and applying the knowledge they have acquired. We have a wide network of companies engaged with international activity and our students are in great demand by a large number of employers.

Students will be jointly supervised both by a company tutor and a university tutor throughout their internship. They will work together to ensure that the student makes the most of the experience in the company and will supervise the internship progress.

External internship report

Professional internships are one of the most important activities in the degree programmes as they allow students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) toapply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies. Moreover, they enrich the curriculum considerably, in a society where it is increasingly necessary to differentiate oneself.

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences currently has numerous agreements with companies and institutions so that our students can carry out these internships. These may take place both throughout the academic year and during the summer.

Two tutors (one from the host organisation where the internships are undertaken and a university tutor) will supervise students’ progress throughout the internship period and report on their progress regarding the general and the specific competences that have been assigned.

Internships are undertaken in companies, organisations, public and private bodies in Spain and abroad. This first work experience is an ideal opportunity for them to demonstrate their professional abilities and enrich their curriculum vitae.

New internship agreements with companies are processed each year so that all students can benefit from this experience. There are many internship options in companies and institutions, and they are being constantly adapted to the changing economic environment.  

Companies interested in offering internships should send an application by e-mail to the faculty socialesyhumanas@deusto.es

The following information should be included in the application:

  • company details and contact person
  • Profile required
  • brief internship description

Once the application has been received, the internship coordinator will contact the company.


Guaranteed internships

Your first step into the world of work

We collaborate with leading companies

Internships - Maria Uriarte Fouassier

Guaranteed internships

My internship at a multinational logistics company, Dachser, gave me an insight into the world of work

MariaUriarte Fouassier
Internships - Maria Uriarte Fouassier

Guaranteed internships

Having interns has allowed us to bring in new talent with an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.

Garbiñe HenryDirector of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Internships - Sandra del Campo

Guaranteed internships

I started my internship in the 3rd year at 3walks; this experience has allowed me to test my ability to respond at a professional level

Sandra del CampoStudent
Elena Lázaro Corcuera

Guaranteed internships

The Torre Iberdrola experience and the contacts made have enabled them to enter the job market immediately.

Elena Lázaro CorcueraManager, Torre Iberdrola. CBRE Asset Services

Collaborating companies

Where are internships held?