Child Protection in Sports SettingsExpert Diploma

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    Expert Diploma in Child Protection in Sporting Environments

    About the Expert Diploma

    The Organic Law 8/2021 on the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents establishes a new reference person for minors in sports and leisure settings: the welfare and protection officer for children and adolescents. Its functions include promoting training programmes, early detection, and the protection of children and adolescents, as well as implementing measures to ensure the well-being of minors and foster a culture of respectful treatment.

    Therefore, this expert diploma aims to train professionals who can intervene in the well-being of minors in sports environments from a legal framework, as well as identify situations of risk. In addition, they will be able to identify emotional, physical, and social factors that may hinder their well-being, as well as implement strategies for the appropriate educational and sporting development of children.


    Designed for

    Those working in the sports field who are interested in gaining comprehensive knowledge about the development of young athletes in their professional practice.


    Security officer

    At the end of the course, you can be appointed as a security officer in any centre providing sport and leisure activities.

    • Campus:

      Bilbao Campus

    • Programme name:

      Expert Diploma in Child Protection in Sporting Environments

    • Language


    • Number of places


    • Programme type

      On campus

    • Application process:

      Admission process open in March 2025

    • Faculty:

      Education and Sport
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    Expert Diploma in

    Child protection in sporting environments

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    Expert Diploma in

    Child protection in sporting environments

    You will be able to contribute to the well-being of minors in sports environments within a legal framework, as well as identify potential risk situations.

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    Who is this programme for?

    This programme is for you if...

    Hold an official university degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and/or a degree or diploma in Early Childhood Education and/or Primary Education, as well as holders of a Master’s in Secondary Education with a specialisation in Physical Education, provided they can demonstrate their professional involvement with minors in a sports-related context. Additionally, admission will also be granted to graduates with a degree or diploma in Social Work, graduates with a degree or diploma in Social Education, graduates with a degree in Psychology, and/or graduates with a degree in Law.

    Moreover, professionals working in the sports sector who are interested in acquiring knowledge on the comprehensive development of young athletes in their daily practice (such as coaches and sports technicians) may also be admitted to the Expert Diploma, provided they hold one of the official qualifications mentioned in this section.

    Acquiring knowledge about thecomprehensive development of young athletesin your daily practice.





    • Interpret the rights of minor athletes and the obligations of the sports entities supporting them from a legal and gender perspective.
    • Assess the well-being of children, integrating emotional and physical well-being, as well as the prevention of risk situations that may influence their general well-being.
    • Assess basic concepts for the educational development of minors in various areas of influence, such as financial education, digital literacy, professional and sports careers (dual career), and communication skills.
    • Implement child protection knowledge from a multidisciplinary and scientific perspective.

    Teaching Quality

    The Expert Diploma inChild Protection in Sporting Environments is taught by renowned university lecturers with extensive experience in addressing...






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    Expert Diploma in Child Protection in Sporting Environments

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